
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

砉-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「砉」(The Cracking Sound When Skin and Bone Separate)

SuuuuuuuucK!! SuuuuuuuucK!! ゴチャゴチャ五月蠅ぇボンクラ Nagging annoying stupid arses みんな一遍揃って死んで来い!! Fucking die!! dirty mouse dirty mouse drive out!! Dirty mouse, dirty mouse, drive out!! 下剋上だ はじめよう。 It’s gekokujo, let’s start.* 口だけ達者なエリート風情 Wannabe elites are all talk, no action 黙って今スグ失せてくれ Shut up and get lost intrigue intrigue strike out!! Intrigue, intrigue, strike out!! 惨めなもんだろ「なぁお前たち。」 Poor thing, ‘aren’t you?’ Go MAD!! Go MAD!! 後ろ指をさしヘラヘラ笑った Now listen 根性なし共聞いておけ Cowards backbiting and laughing at us 「お前らには何一つ変えれない。」 ‘You’re unchangable.’ 所詮は上辺だけの人生 Your lives are after all superficial 自分が正しい 自分がイチバン Feeling correct, Feeling being the best 自分一人だけ良けりゃいい Thinking being the only one fine will do そんな奴らをブっ飛ばす力を I'm screaming like kicking those chaps’ butt 「はじめようぜ 声を上げろ!!」 ‘Now start, raise your voice!!’ Go MAD!! Go MAD!! 壊せ… Destroy... It’s a party night!! It’s a party night!! Go MAD!! Sxxk OUT Go MAD!! Suck OUT さぁやれよ going on!! Do it, go on!! FUSS OVER FUSS OVER 嗚呼さらば blowing!! Ah, bye, blowing!! Go MAD!! Sxxk OUT Go MAD!! Suck OUT さぁやれよ 強引doom!! Do it, we’re bringing you your doom!! FUSS OVER FUSS OVER 嗚呼されどまだ足りない Ah, but it’s still not enough 決定的な何かが Ah That crucial thing, ah *Notes: 砉:According to Hayato, the pronounciation of the song title is ‘ホネトカワトガハナレルオト’, which is the meaning of the word - ‘the sound given off when skin and bone separate’. 下剋上: A Japanese word in which someone of a lower position overthrows someone of a higher position using military or political might, seizing power. It is variously translated as the lower rules the higher or the low overcomes the high.

