
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

紫蝕 -再録--己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「紫蝕 -再録-」(Violet -Re-recording-)

人混みが蠢いた 其処には感情も無く Even feelings do not exist in the place where crowd wriggles 矯声 嘆声 奇声 罵声 耳障りな雑音だけ Coquettish voices, sighs, strange sounds, insults are merely harsh noises 灰色の空の下澱み 昏く濁り混ざる雲に The monochrome scenery eddied with chaos 混沌と渦巻いた白黒景色 Under the dark turbid clouds in the grey sky* 疑心暗鬼取り憑かれては 纏わり付いて離れずに Once I am consumed by suspicion, it will stuck in my head 貪り喰らい尽す迄 軋る耳鳴りが Until the noisy ringings gobble me up とおりゃんせ とおりゃんせ You may pass through, please pass through 歪む信号機の音が... The twisted traffic signal sound... とおりゃんせ とおりゃんせ You may pass through, please pass through 眩瞑 視界 絞めつける Dizziness tightens my view 紫空に染まる幾重にも織り成した岐路の何処かで Somewhere on the crossroads that formed again and again, where the sky is turning purple 途切れ跡切れる理想論は脆く音を立て崩れてゆく The ideal theory, interrupted and lost its trace, is collapsing with sounds fragilely 鳴り止まぬ不協和音 Constant dissonances 白にも戻れず黒にも染まれずな斑模様 Mottled pattern that can neither return to white nor be dyed black 思考 感情 表情 景色 希望 見い出せぬ日々の儘 Still cannot find any thoughts, feelings, emotions, sceneries or hope* 路上で死肉を啄む鴉の群れが鼻腔を満たし A murder of crows that peck at dead bodies on the road fill my nose up 唾を撒き散らす遠吠えの拡声器が蔓延する廃退を掲げ The loudspeaker, backbiting volubly, points out the spreading decadence 螺旋に交錯する葬列は死んだ魚の目をして腐乱の水面を徘徊いでいる。 Corteges, intertwining in spiral, are wandering on the rotten water surface with empty eyes.* 疑心暗鬼取り憑かれては 纏わり付いて離れずに Once I am consumed by suspicion, it will stuck in my head 蝕み喰らい尽くす迄 頭掻き毟る And I will be agitated until it eats away me とおりゃんせ とおりゃんせ You may pass through, please pass through 歪む信号機の音が... The twisted traffic signal sound... とおりゃんせ とおりゃんせ You may pass through, please pass through 眩瞑 脳裏 絞めつける Dizziness tightens my mind 噎せる慟哭に五月雨烟る幾重にも織り成した岐路の何処かで Somewhere on the crossroads that formed again and again, where it was drizzling like early summer in the wail of anguish 途切れ跡切れる理想論は脆く音を立て崩れてゆく The ideal theory, interrupted and lost its trace, is collapsing with fragile sounds 鳴り止まぬ不協和音 Constant dissonances 篠突く黒白に揺らぐ境界 蹲り耳を塞ぎ込んだ I crouched and covered up my ears at the border that wavers because of the pouring black and white 紺碧はやがて緋に染まり弧を描き舞う末路 The blue will be stained with red soon, and end up drawing an arc overhead *Note: 混沌と渦巻いた白黒景色: ‘白黒’ is pronounced as ‘モノクロ’ . 思考 感情 表情 景色 希望 見い出せぬ日々の儘: ‘希望’ is pronounced as ‘ひかり(光)’. Thus, the lyric can also mean ‘Still cannot find any thoughts, feelings, emotions, sceneries or light’. 螺旋に交錯する葬列は死んだ魚の目をして腐乱の水面を徘徊いでいる。: ‘徘徊いでいる’ is pronounced as ‘およいでいる (泳いでいる)’. Thus, the lyric can also mean ‘corteges, intertwining in spiral, are swimming on the rotten water surface with empty eyes.’

