
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

FOX-7-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


その手に握り締めて少しヨレた We believe only in the wrinkled wounded pride 傷だらけのプライドだけを信じて That we clutched 内に秘めたピストルを取れ そして撃鉄を引いたら After we took out our hidden gun and loaded it up 次は俺達の番だ It'll be our turn 青い空 視界は良好 躊躇いなど棄て去って The clear is clear blue, stop hesitating さあ飛び立つ今 Take off now 価値観を押し付けて夢を食い物にする汚いお前ら You dirty rats who impose your values on others and use others' dreams check ! check it ! Check! Check it! 横目で流した弱虫供の時代遅れのデカダンス Outdated decadence fell out of the corner of cowards' eyes グーかチョキかパーかバーカ違う Is it stone or scissors or paper, ugh dumbass 答えはもうとっくに出てんだ The answer's already there 迷うだけ迷って気が済んだら そう引き金を引いて If you're no longer lost, then yup, pull the trigger さあ敗けを認めろ Throw in the towel 譲れないキモチがココにまだあの頃のまま変わらずあるって I'm still uncompromising like I was back then それすら笑うヤツがいるとしたなら If someone laughs at me for that 相も変わらず迷わず直ぐ様にソイツの頭を I guess I'll blow their brains out without hesitation 撃ち抜くんだろう Like I used to 死なない程度に 夢を追う自分自身に幸あれ Crossing fingers for myself as I'm chasing my dream Good luck. Good luck. 革命を起こそうとあの人は 笑い者にされても最後まで Even the person who looks like they're going to start a revolution is being made fun of 自分に負けなかった強かった 疑いもしなかった They won themselves, they were strong, they didn't hesitate at all 邪の道は蛇じゃあ俺は自分を信じるココロだけ Insiders know the ugly truth, so I'll believe in myself* 持つとしてさあ世代交代だ 最後に笑うのは俺達だ And stay true to my values, it's time for generational change, we'll get the last laugh 価値観を押し付けて夢を食い物にする汚いお前ら You dirty rats who impose your values on others and use others' dreams check ! check it ! Check! Check it! 横目で流した弱虫供の時代遅れのデカダンス Outdated decadence fell out of the corner of cowards' eyes グーかチョキかパーかバーカ違う Is it stone or scissors or paper, ugh dumbass 答えはもうとっくに出てんだ The answer's already there 迷うだけ迷って気が済んだら そう引き金を引いて If you're no longer lost, then yup, pull the trigger 馬鹿な選択だとしたって まだ諦めちゃいないからね I won't give up even if this is a stupid choice 譲れないキモチがココにまだあの頃のまま変わらずあるって I'm still uncompromising like I was back then それすら笑うヤツがいるとしたって Even if someone laughs at me for that 共に笑い共に泣き時にはケンカをしたりもしたけれど We laugh and we cry, and sometimes we fight でもほら大切な仲間が今ここにはもういるから But look, my precious companions are here 叶えたい伝えたい負けられない I want it to come true, I wanna let you know, I won't lose 裏切れないキモチが叫ぶから I declare genuinely 過ちだとしても諦めつかなくて I won't give up even if I failed 最後に笑うのが君だろうと誰だろうと本当はそんなこと Who'll get the last laugh is, in fact, 俺には関係ないから じゃあな None of my business, bye *Note: FOX-7: FOX-7 or 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene (DADNE) is an insensitive high explosive compound. It was first synthesized in 1998 by the Swedish National Defence Research Institute (FOS). The name FOX-7 is derived from the acronym of the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), with the I replaced by an X to indicate an explosive. In the episode on 3rd August 2022 of his radio programme, Hayato mentioned that FOX-7 is chosen as the song's title because it sounded cool.

