
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

最後ノ恋 -再録--己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘The Last Love -Re-recording-’(最後ノ恋 -再録-)

お願いだから嘘はやめて… もう傷つきたくないから Please don't lie... I don't want to get hurt anymore 貴方との恋… これを最後にしたいから… I want to end our love here... 何も考えるような事じゃないでしょ…? I don't think this is something you often associate with...? 気持ちが冷めた時はそう言えばいい… Just tell me when you fell out of love... 二人並んで手を繋いで歩幅を合わせて We walked side by side with our hands held 笑い合って…たまの意地悪に顔を顰めて We laughed together... And sometimes frown at each others' teasing 心が和む様なそんな時間を… I once thought we could お互いに過ごせてると そう信じてた… Spend our time soothingly together... あの時、無造作に脱ぎ捨てられた貴方の靴 That time, your shoes were lying on the floor casually その隣りに私の知らない靴… There was a pair of shoes I did not know beside them... 怒りも込み上げる悲しみにも気付けないまま… Though I did not notice my anger and welling sadness... 楽しそうな貴方の声を聞いた… I heard your happy voice... 涙が零れぬ様空を見上げたのに雨粒の痛さが心に棘を… I looked up at the sky so tears won't fall, but the pain of falling raindrops let the thorns inside me grow 嗚呼結局涙が頬を伝う… 貴方の気持ちが何もわからない… Alas, in the end, tears roll down my face... Even if the rain washes everything of me away... この雨が私の全てを流してくれても… I won't understand your feeling at all... 私の最後の恋がこんな形で終っても Even though our love has to end this way 愛していたから貴方を怨まない… I loved you so I won't hold a grudge on you... それでもやり場の無いこの気持ちはどうしたらいい…? But what should I do with my feelings for you? 嗚呼… 戻りたい 偽りの幸せを Alas... I wish I could go back 嗚呼…… 想要回去 能感受到 感じる事が出来たあの頃が一番良かった… It was the best when I could feel the fake happiness... 何も気付けぬ程、馬鹿でいたかった… I wish I was a fool that did not notice anything... 目の前の現実を受け入れられぬ位に… So foolish that he can't accept the reality before her eyes...

