
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

枷-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


受け止め切る事が出来ない I cannot accept 素直に喜ぶ事さえも… That I cannot be genuinely happy... 今はもう苦痛としか感じる事が出来ない… All I can feel is misery... 「ごめんなさい」と繰り返して許しを媚びる様な愛が A love that repeats 'apologies' and begs for forgiveness 相思相愛の未来図に花を添える筈もない… Will not bring any good to the loving future... 涸れ果て、朽ち果て、乾涸びた心を潤してくれた貴方の愛 Your love nourished my withered, dead, parched heart 甘えるだけ甘えて浸り過ぎた私は何時しか澱み腐る… Overindulging in your pampering, I begin to stagnate and rot... 突き刺さった溺愛の杭は私の自由を奪い The spoiling stake that wounded me deprive me of my freedom 吊し上げた束縛の枷は私に孤独を与え The chain that hung me up gives me loneliness 繋がりも絆も逃れられぬ理由 Our relationship and bond are the reason I cannot escape 捨てられたくないと受け入れた私が私の羽を捥ぎ I clip my own wings for I know I do not want to be abandoned その痛みも何時かは愛せると信じて涙を飲み込んだ And I hold my tears for I believe I could enjoy the piston someday 幸あれと願う声は届かない… You cannot hear my wishes for your happiness...

