
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

TOY&MAGIC-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


夜空の星の下で 束の間の静は賑やかに Under the stars in the night sky, the moment of silence becomes bustle オモチャの夢の国は 宴の準備は始める The dreamland of toys is starting to prepare for their banquet ブリキの機械兵と華奢なリカの手料理に Right and evil band together to light up the flame of peace 正も悪も手を取り平和の聖火を灯しあう Because of the food made by tin robot soldier and the dainty Licca すやすやと眠る君が大人になるまでの Sleeping soundly, what you say in your dream before turning into an adult 夢で語るのさ 魔法をかけてみよう Is try to cast a spell TOY&MAGIC 小さな世界 TOY & MAGIC, in this small world 戦争も紛争も ここには無い There's no wars or conflicts TOY&MAGIC 願い唄を… TOY & MAGIC, sing the song of wish... 喜びの朝が来るように May the joyful morning comes 「喧嘩はやめなさい」と子供達を叱っても Even though adults tell children off to 'stop fighting' 大人は敵を作り その子供さえも殺した They make enemies and even killed that child 勝者はいつしか狂者へと 敗者は負傷者へと Winners will turn mad someday, whilst losers will be injured 繰り返す痛みに 慣れてはいけない We can't get used to the repeating pain TOY&MAGIC おやすみグッナイ TOY & MAGIC, good night, sleep tight 君の笑顔 守れるように May I be able to protect your smile TOY&MAGIC 願い唄を… TOY & MAGIC, sing the song of wish... 悲しみの雨 上がるだろう Guess the rain of sadness will let up 捨てられても いつか忘れられても Even if I'm abandoned, even if I'll be forgotten someday この歌が 君の心に残るように May this song stays in your heart TOY&MAGIC 小さな世界 TOY & MAGIC, in this small world 戦争も紛争も ここには無い There's no wars or conflicts TOY&MAGIC 願い唄を… TOY & MAGIC, sing the song of wish... 喜びの朝が来るように May the joyful morning comes TOY&MAGIC おやすみグッナイ TOY & MAGIC, good night, sleep tight 君の笑顔 守れるように May I be able to protect your smile TOY&MAGIC 願い唄を… TOY & MAGIC, sing the song of wish... 悲しみの雨 上がるから The rain of sadness will let up

