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DIRTY×DIRTY-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


嗚呼、このまま全てを受け入れたなら Ah, if I accept everything as it is これで終わるのかな Then I guess this is the end Merciless World or Mercy World Merciless World or Merciful World 救いの手は無いと知った I know that I won't be saved Merciless World not Mercy World Merciless World not Merciful World 感覚は薄れていった My senses have faded away ねぇ教えてくれ Tell me Merciless World or Mercy World Merciless World or Merciful World ウザったい背徳を知った Understanding the annoying immorality Merciless World or Mercy World Merciless World or Merciful World 感情は既に狂った Makes me go crazy ねえ答えてよ Answer me Dirty Birthday!! Dirty Birthday!! 終わる事のない Laughed at Dirty Birthday!! Dirty Birthday!! 醜さを笑った The endless ugliness 嗚呼、このまま全てを受け入れたなら Ah, if I accept everything as it is やがて終わる? Will the end come soon? 口に出せない 声は首を絞め誘い嗚咽 The unspeakable voice causes strangling, sob 視界は反吐で塗れた My sight is covered in my vomit 生きる事に意味は無いと言って If I say being alive is meaningless 死に方を選べば唯怖くて And choose my way to die, then it's just terrifying 君が死ねば僕が死ねば If you're dead, if I'm dead 何か変わる?何が変わる? Will anything change? What's gonna change? Dirty Birthday!! Dirty Birthday!! 終わる事のない Laughed at Dirty Birthday!! Dirty Birthday!! 醜さを笑った The endless ugliness Dirty Birthday!! Dirty Birthday!! 誰も彼も皆 Everyone Dirty Birthday!! Dirty Birthday!! 気付かず陥ちていく Is unknowingly falling down 嗚呼、このまま全てを否定したなら Ah, if I deny everything as it is やがて終わる? Will the end come soon? 口に出せない ソレは首を絞め誘う涙 The unspeakable are the tears that cause strangling 滲んだ空に生きたいと縋り叫んだ I screamed I wanna live to the blurry sky

