
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

PEST-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


OD垂れ流す醜さの似合う楽園への入り口 The entracne of Eden becomes the ugliness of constant overdosing 脱落者を祝福してくれるheaven The heaven where dropouts are blessed 冷めたフリなんてウンザリだ I'm tired of playing cold 不感症に堕ちた虚ろな目はどこか現実を避けてた The empty eyes that fell into frigidity tried to escape from reality to somewhere else 効きが早いmother fxxker!! It's effective, motherfucker!! ヤりたけりゃヤれ 生きたクズの俺を殺してみろ Just do it, tryna kill this lived piece of shit AVANT-GARDE walk alone AVANT-GARDE walk alone 賞味期限切れの心を愛してくれ Love this no longer perfect heart* Spastic mopes will kill me and see!! Spastic mopes are trying to kill me!! Whack off madness suicider!! Whack off madness, suicider!! Spastic mopes wil kill me just now!! Spastic mopes are killing me!! Dammit!! Dammit!! びしょ濡れで猫を抱き上げて Lift up a drenched cat 同じハズのお前だけは違った Only you, who should be the same, are different 生きようとしてた I wanted to live 睨み上げた眼に俺は殺された雨の午後 I was killed by glowers in a raining afternoon AVANT-GARDE walk alone AVANT-GARDE walk alone 賞味期限切れの心は愛されない This no longer perfect heart isn't loved Spastic mopes will kill me and see!! Spastic mopes are trying to kill me!! Whack off madness suicider!! Whack off madness, suicider!! Spastic mopes wil kill me just now!! Spastic mopes are killing me!! Dammit!! Dammit!! 何もかもが薄れていく Everything is fading away 生きる意味も唄う意味も Even the reason to live and sing この世界に何を乞うの? What am I begging this world? WELLON!! WELLON!! それでも此処に求めるのさ Still, I'm seeking here WELLON!! WELLON!! 君自身が望む答え全て The answers you’re hoping for and everything WELLON!! WELLON!! 死際まで足掻きたいなら If you wanna put up your last-ditch struggle WELLON!! WELLON!! 迷いは捨て 誓いを立てろ Then cast aside all the doubts and make a vow 今を腕き少年は生きる Resisting the present, the boy’s living* *Notes: 賞味期限切れの心: ‘賞味期限’ means best before, so the lyric literally means ‘the heart passed the best before date’. Since food passed the best before date may not taste as good as before, they are no longer perfect, hence it is translated into ‘This no longer perfect heart’ 少年は生きる: It's sung as ‘僕は生きる’, which means ‘I’m living’

