
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

心中歌-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Song Of Love Suicide’(心中歌)

さぁ逝きましょう 手と手を合わせて暇乞い Now let's perish, fold our hands and bid farewell 徒然にさえ思い耽るのは在りし日と… We indulge in nostalgia even the old days were boring... 死を見つめ頬を伝うのは外連の未練 The regret of lies gaze at death and runs down my cheeks 日捲りのくだん 啼くは鬱 The passed days chirl for melancholy 浮の宵 声に耳を研ぎ澄ませば… If you listen carefully to the sound in the flating dusk... ほら 血巡りの管が脈を打つ There, vessels are beating さよならを歌いましょう いついつまでも離れぬ様に Let's sing farewell, like nothing will do us apart 愛を貪り尽くし 情死を賛美 Devour love, praise double suicide さよならを歌いましょう いついつの日か巡り逢う様に Let us sing farewell, like we will meet again someday 哀を貪り尽くし 情詩を賛美 Devour grief, praise love poem 「心中歌」 ’Song of love suicide’ 吊るされて垂れ流す腑 Being hanged, organs flow out 焼かれて撒き散らす芥 Being burnt, dust scatters 刻まれて吐き回す腐臭はざらりと触れた愛の味 The rotten smell spreading around after being cut fine is the rough taste of 沈められても離れぬが愛 Though being sunk, love does not fall apart 埋められても還らぬが愛 Though being buried, love does not fade 啄まれ蝕まれても尚、絡まり合う骨の宴 Though being pecked and eaten away, the banquets of bone entwine 形にすれば泡沫 触れれば弾けて消える It will be foam if a shape is given, it will burst if it is being touched 褪せたその欠片を冥土へ連れて行きましょう Let's bring the discoloured fragment with us to the other side 苟且の痛み 剃刀舞う Just a slight pain, blade swirls 後ろは見るな 嗤いましょう Do not look back, let's sneer

