
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Let Me Love You Like A Woman-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Let Me Love You Like A Woman」(讓我溫柔地愛着你)

I come from a small town, how about you? 我來自一個小鎮,你呢? I only mention it ‘cause I’m ready to leave LA and I want you to come 提及此只因我準備好離開洛杉磯,我希望你跟我走 Eighty miles north or south will do 往北或南八英里也可以 I don’t care where as long as you’re with me 只要你在我身邊,哪裏都沒所謂 And I’m with you, and you let me 而我亦在你身邊,你讓我 Let me love you like a woman 讓我溫柔地愛着你 Let me hold you like a baby 讓我小心地擁着你 Let me shine like a diamond 讓我如鑽石般閃耀 Let me be who I’m meant to be 讓我活出自我 Talk to me in poems and songs 與我談論詩與歌 Don’t make me be bittersweet 別令我樂中帶苦 Let me love you like a woman 讓我溫柔地愛着你 Let me hold you like a baby 讓我小心地擁着你 Let me hold you like a baby 讓我小心地擁着你 I come from a small town far away 我來自一個遙遠的小鎮 I only mention it ‘cause I’m ready to leave LA and I want you to come 提及此只因我準備好離開洛杉磯,我希望你跟我走 I guess I could manage if you stay 即刻你要留下我也能行 It’s just if you do I can’t see myself having any fun 只是這樣我便不覺得自己可以享樂 So let me love you like a woman 讓我溫柔地愛着你吧 Let me hold you like a baby 讓我小心地擁着你 Let me shine like a diamond 讓我如鑽石般閃耀 Let me be who I’m meant to be 讓我活出自我 Talk to me in songs and poems 與我談論詩與歌 Don’t make me be bittersweet 別令我樂中帶苦 Let me love you like a woman 讓我如女性般愛着你 Take you to infinity 帶着你到永遠 Let me hold you like a baby 讓我小心地擁着你 Take you to infinity 帶着你到永遠 Let me love you like a woman 讓我溫柔地愛着你 Take you to infinity 帶着你到永遠 We could get lost in the purple rain 我們可以迷失在紫色大雨中 Talk about good old days 談論以往美好的日子 We could get high on pink champagne 我們可以陶醉在粉色香檳中 Baby, let me count the waves 寶貝,讓我細數海浪 Let me love you like a woman 讓我溫柔地愛着你 Let me hold you like a baby 讓我小心地擁着你 Let me shine like a diamond 讓我如鑽石般閃耀 Let me be who I’m meant to be 讓我活出自我 Talk to me in songs and poems 與我談論詩與歌 Don’t make me be bittersweet 別令我樂中帶苦 Let me love you like a woman 讓我溫柔地愛着你

