
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

嚥失-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「嚥失」(The Lost Whines)

淡い記憶に色を塗り重ね I colour the vague memories over and over again 滲む言葉に触れたら何かが After I gently touched the seeping words, something ふわりと僕の中で消えた 生きる意味さえも Disappeared softly from me, even the reason to live 救いを求めて明日を待ち続けたね I hoped for salvation and continued waiting for the next day to come 不意に溢れ出した涙の理由さえ If I say that even the reason for bursting into tears もう此処に無いと言うなら no longer exists here これで終わりなんでしょう Perhaps this will be the end この想いに「      」 The thought is ‘      ’* 知りたくないと塞ぎ逃げても Even if I say I don't want to know and escape with my ears covered 冷めた視界で景色は歪んで The scenery still twists in the cooled view 夜にのまれ消えた 生きた足跡を If I retrace in my trace of living swallowed up by the night 辿れば過去の僕が笑った気がして I feel that myself in the past laughed 不意に溢れ出した涙の理由さえ If I know that even the reason for bursting into tears もう此処に無いと知っているなら no longer exists here 悪い夢だと言って Then please tell me this is a nightmare *Notes: 嚥失: ‘嚥失’ is a word made up by ハヤト. ‘嚥’ can mean throat, swallow and whine, whilst ‘失’ can mean lose, leak, mistake and escape. The song gives a feeling that the composer is so lost and in deep sorrow that he even loses his ability to give a whimper, so it seems to make sense that ‘嚥’ means whine and ‘失’ means lose. Thus, the song title can mean ‘Losing Whines’. この想いに「      」: Below is the actual lyrics for this sentence:               この想いに「事件性は無い」               The thought is ‘unassociated’               この想いに「苦悩は尽きない」               The thought has ‘endless worries’               この想いに「悲痛が止まない」               The thought has ‘relentless sorrow’               この想いに「従うしか無い」               The thought ‘can only be followed’               この想いに「望みは持たない」               The thought ‘bears no hope’               この想いに「理解は請わない」               The thought ‘asks for no understanding’               この想いに「答えは要らない」               The thought ‘needs no answer’               この想いに「光は射さない」               The thought ‘cannot be light up’

