
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

【VIper】-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


ある晴れた昼下がりのこと It's something happened in a clear mid-afternoon 成れの果て さて鬼が出るか蛇が出るか The miserable ending is unpredictable あのねその conectって僕はないn I don't have that kind of connection でもね僕でもねきっとプラグインで拡張したなら But if I really had that kind of relationship 「もう泣かないよ。」と誓った I sweared 'I won't cry anymore' 大事なモノなら一生 If it's something important, 意地でも死ぬ気で守り抜くんだろ? You'll protect it at all cost like crazy for your whole life, won't you? 失うことが怖いのならまだ間に合うかな If you're afraid of losing it, you probably can still make it -独り言のような醜い声明- -‎A ugly declaration like I was muttering to myself- 窓際のよく似合う枯れた花を捨てて Throw away the perished flower that becomes the window side 次は何を飾ろう What should I decorate it with next あのねその conectって僕はないn I don't have that kind of connection でもね僕でもねきっとプラグインで拡張 But even I had that kind of relationship 壊れかけの理性はバラバラになって砕け散って無くなって 悲鳴は止まない The collapsing rationality is shattering and vanishing into thin air, cries are unstoppable 失うことに慣れすぎたら もう手遅れです If you get too used to losing, it'd be too late 僕は毒を制す、毒を以て。 I fight poison with poison. 誓った言葉を握ったその手は The hands that upholds the vow 溢れる涙を拭えないままで Can't wipe the tears away 馬鹿だね How silly am I 最愛の証明 世界に今、終止符を打つ The proof of the love of my life is putting an end to the world さあ瞳を閉じて Close your eyes 空っぽの瓶に水を注ぎ枯れない花を飾らせて? What if I pour water into the empty vase and decorate it with flowers that don't wither? 僕は君だけでいい これからもずっと You're the only one I need, forever and always 君を殺して僕も死ぬ。そう決めた I will die after killing you. I've made up my mind *Note: VIper: According to Hayato's radio programme on 3 August 2022, vi is capitalised to represent six people - the five members of the name and that important person.

