
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

凩-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「凩」(Winter Wind)

琥珀舞い上がる螺旋に溺れ行く一片でいい… Amber be a flake that drowns in the spiral whirling in the sky will do... 愛を乞う言葉さえ僕の奥へと沈む Even words that beg for love sink deep down in me 戻りたい…戻れない… I wish to return... I cannot return... 苦し紛れに口をつく君のその饒舌 Chatters rush out of your mouth in depseration その涙…その笑顔… That teardrop... that smile... 嗚呼、愛しさを募るその言葉さえ饒舌 Alas, even words filled with love seem loquacious 僕が見せた弱さの意味が歪になる The meaning of the weakness I shown is twisting 君を信じる強さが僕の弱さなのか… Is the strength of trusting you my weakness... 全て…何もかもを捨て切れぬ事で Everything... For I cannot forsake everything 僕がこんなにまで蝕まれるなんて… How serious have I been corroded... 琥珀舞い上がる螺旋に溺れ行く一片でいい… Amber be a flake that drowns in the spiral whirling in the sky will do... 愛を乞う言葉さえ僕の奥へ奥へと Even words that beg for love go deep down in me 廻る曖昧、愛の舞、哀から生まれた隘に Vagueness goes around, love dances, in the intolerance came from sadness 君を包み込むだけの僕が何処にも居ない… I who accept your everything is nowhere to be found... 「信じた数だけ裏切られる」事を何より「信じた」筈なのに… I should have ‘believed’ ‘the more I believe, the more I will be betrayed’ than anything... 舞い上がる殃禍繚乱 Countless tragedies whirl in the sky

