
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

暁歌水月-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「暁歌水月」(The Song of Promise Is A Mere Shadow)

縁取りは重く 意識は軽くその手を離す Eyes is getting heavier, mind is getting lighter* 掌を合わせ偲ぶ涙色の雨 流れ流れる… Reminiscing with hands folded, the flood of tears cannot be held... 餞は切り刻んだ僕の欠片 The farewell gift is my shattered fragments* 此処に残せる痛み Leave your grief here 此の命が尽き果てるまで夢を… Before my life is completely exhausted, let us... さぁ、唄いましょう Sing our dreams 叫ぶ声を… Let the cries… 心が裂け咽び泣く言の葉 Be the words of heart-stricken tears 別れ日和 染まるは仄か The good day for departure is dyed with sadness* 笑顔で手を振りましょう Let us smile and wave 虚ろ移ろい 微睡む現 The dozing reality is getting empty 透明色の暁 Like the clear dawn 今も僕を焦がし燻り続けている「何か」が解らない… I still do not know 'what' is burning me... ただ歩む… I just keep on walking… 夢路を辿る… On the road to my dream… 苦しみも悲しみも此の声を絞る痛みも喰らい続けて Despite how sorrowful or how painful it is, I still strain my voice and bear the pain ひたひたと訪れる静寂が怖いのです The looming silence is terrifying 此の命が尽き果てるまで夢を… Before my life is completely exhausted, let us... さぁ、唄いましょう Sing our dreams 叫ぶ声を… Let the cries… 心が裂け咽び泣く言の葉 Be the words of heart-stricken tears 別れ日和 染まるは仄か The good day for departure is dyed with sadness 笑顔で手を振りましょう Let us smile and wave 虚ろ移ろい 微睡む現 The dozing reality is getting empty 透明色の暁 Like the clear dawn 夢に夢見て霞む遥か彼方 Dream in dream, the other side far away is dim *Notes: 暁歌水月: The word has the same pronunciation with the idiom '鏡花水月 (きょうかすいげつ/ Kyouka Suigetsu)'. 暁 is suspected to come from '暁には', which means 'the time when something happened or is achieved'. Thus, 暁歌 probably means 'the song of promise'. On the other hand, 鏡花水月 literally means 'flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected in the water', which figuratively means mere shadow; thus, the song title may means 'The song of promise is a mere shadow'. 縁取り: Means bordering, Suspected to be a metaphor of eyes. 切り刻んだ: 切り刻む, means to chop something fine. 別れ日和 染まるは仄か: The lyric is the same as the title of a single released in 2010. 別れ日和 means the good day for departure, which 日和 means good day (for something). 染まる means to dye, whilst 仄か means dim. As the sentence lacks a subject, it is supposed to be sadness, something opposite to the good day. Hence, the complete sentence may be 'the good day for departure is dyed with sadness'.

