
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

嗚呼-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


月を喰らう霞 吐き出す白い夢 Devouring the moon, haze spits a white dream out 月に吠える静寂 震える鼓動は The trembling beat is the silence that bays at the moon 声絶え絶え捻り出せば 届くか…この慟哭が… If my voice is being squeezed out faintly, will my wailing... be reached... 「嗚呼」 ‘Ah’ さようなら Farewell また明日 Until tomorrow 手を振るわ I will wave my hand 影の中 In the shadow 思い描く在りし日の煌めきはくすむ The shine of the old days in my mind darkens 頭垂れて風に揺れるこれが…私? Is the one who bows his head and sways in the wind... Me? 無垢のままで終わりたい 透明に溺れていたい 私は見えずの影 I wish to end purely, I wish to drown in clearness, I am an invisible shadow‎ 揺れながら見下ろした先に這いずり回る漆黒のソレの様 I looked over whilst swaying, like the thing in pitch black that crawls around ahead ‎ 意味のある無意味でいたいのです I want to be meaningfully meaningless

