
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

命日-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「命日」(Death Day)

塵芥の命の日 お終いと始まりの日 The death day of litter, is the day of start and end 溢れて零れた数多 喘ぎ壊れた頭 Countless overflew, bereavers sob 掻き毟る程霞掛かる 惑う私 惰が駆る The haze is crazily thick, I am puzzled, laziness spurs me 「彼れ」「此れ」「何れ」「其れ」並ベ艶に酔えば 味を覚えた始末の悪い舌 If I get lost in the charm of ‘that’, ‘this’, ‘which’ and ‘that’, I get to taste the difficulty of words 「辛」も「酸」も鯔のつまり捻じ込んで 胃の中で泳げば皆同じ Even ‘suffering’ and ‘bitterness’ are all the screwed in, everything will be the same if they are swimming in the stomach いつの日からか目を逸らして現に夢を重ね出した I have looked away since someday, and dreams overlapped with reality 「嘘」と綴り「目出度し」とその口は呟いていた The mouth, assembled lies, murmured ‘all’s well that ends well’ 涙で暈し滲ませようが 抉じ開け見せ付けられた Though being blurred by tears, my eyes were being prised open 「底」に偽りはない There is no lie at ‘the bottom’ さぁ、手を合わせて目を閉じれば現葬送 Now, fold your hands, reality will be buried if my eyes are closed さぁ、手を叩いて目を開けば夢葬送 Now, clap your hands, dreams will be buried if my eyes are open 刹那 綴る 重さが消える 上の空の遥か彼方 Just as they write, weight disappears into the other side beyond the sky 刹那 啜る 想いが消える 無味の上澄の無意味 Just as they sniffle, memories disappear into the meaninglessness of the tasteless liquid 言の葉が枯れて 風に拐かされ Words fade away and are being snatched by the wind 舞い踊り擦れ合う音も聞こえない程 ばらばらり Even the sound of dance and rub are too shattered to be heard 紛い物の声 化粧塗れの声 嗄れて仄見えたのは The voice of the imitation and the voice covered with cosmetic get hoarse, ’misery’ 「痛み」 Is barely visible 「其処」に偽りはない There is no lie ’there’

