
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

鋸挽-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


鋸を挽け Saw 「諸人勝手次第鋸挽に致させ」 'You may saw if you wish to'* 死に候え Please die 見懲の雨晒し穴晒 Put the head only before the public* 夥多しき蟲蝕み頸啜り Countless insects eat the neck ー、二挽き、三、四ぎいぎい 断末摩 阿鼻に叫喚す One two saw, three four squeak, cry for your death in the deepest part of hell ー、二挽き、三、四ぎいぎい 断末摩 血反吐に血飛沫 One two saw, three four squeak, vomit and splash blood at the hour of death 襤褸と溢れたる残 肉片の聲 The remaining that overflows with tatter is the sound of flesh 挽き千切る首の皮 生頭 Saw the skin of the freshly hacked neck into pieces *Notes: 鋸挽: A kind of death penalty or torture performed during and before the Edo period by sawing the head of the covict. It was the most serious penalty in Edo period that was mainly used on people who killed somebody in a higher position than them, for example your master or father. The penalty was formalised during Edo period. The convict was first put on a shame parade, then they were put on the roadside for two to three days for public humiliation. After that, their head was sawed. Finally, the convict was being crucified. 諸人勝手次第鋸挽に致させ: To let the torture be more cruel, everyone of the general public was allowed to saw the convict if they wished to. 見懲: To punish someone before the public as a kind of warning. 穴晒: A kind of sentences during Edo Period. The convict was put in a box that is buried in the ground with only their head being exposed to the air. They were put before the public on the roadside and being humiliated as a way of punishment. 阿鼻: Avici, the deepest part of hell according to Budddhism. For more information about the penalties: https://scary.jp/syokei/syokei-nokobiki/ https://intojapanwaraku.com/culture/136515/

