
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

鵺-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


己が内に「其れ」は在り 幾ら照らせど紛れ込む 'That' is inside me, they still creep in regardless of how it shines on me 背を向ける度... 鳴き喚く Whenever I turn my back on them... They call 千姿万態の有様 千言万語 喧しい Numerous varities of scenes, countless words, clamorous 気が狂れる I am going mad 寄らば大樹の陰と嘯き 風と戯る羽根の如し Brag that fawn on the powerful ones, and flutter ひらひら... Like the feather playing with wind... 首傾げる私を笑う何方 Someone laughs at me who doubts そんな何方を私が笑う I laugh at such person 右を向けば右にぞろり If I look right, there is a line on the right 左向けば左にぞろり If I look left, there is a line on the left 後ろはぐちゃぐちゃ犇めく The back is extremely crowded 目の前は一面の無垢 A surface of pureness is right in front of me 果たして...罰して欲しいのか Really... Do you want to punish 果たして...許して欲しいのか Really... Do you want to forgive 果たして...殺して欲しいのか Really... Do you want to kill 将又...愛して欲しいのか Or... Do you want to love べたべたべたべたと撫で回されて I was caressing all over 誠...誠に非ず 故に 嘘...嘘に非ず Truth... is not a truth, therefore lie... is not a lie ただ...目に見えぬ「何か」を恐れては But... If I fear at 'something' I cannot see 来る... Hide-and-seek all alone 独法師のかくれんぼ Will come... 塗り潰した闇に谺するのは The insisting voice 'this is me, I know nothing about other' 「これが私、他は知らぬ存ぜぬ」と唄う声 Echos in the complete darkness ただ...目に見える「何か」に怯えては But... If I am afraid of 'something' I can see 狂ぅ... I will go mad 叫びが舞う金切りの宵 Shrieks flit in the shrill night さぁ、鬼が出るか蛇が出るか 傷を突き合う成れの果て Now, what will lie ahead, the tragic end of hurting each other 痛みに咽び鳴いた Is sobbed in pain もう幾つ寝ても... No matter how much sleep I get... 叫ぶ痛み* The pain makes me cry 幾千ノ囀 霹雷ト成ル* Thousands of chatters turn into thunder きりきりきりきりと唄い上げれば If I raise my voice and sing 全て在るが故に全てが無い Everything exists therefore everything does not ただ...目に見えぬ「何か」は初めから But... 'Something' I cannot see has been incubating 抱卵 Here forever ずっと此処に From the very beginning 羽根を広げて声高らかに Spread my wings and insist loudly 「これが私、他は知らぬ存ぜぬ」と唄う声 'This is me, I know nothing about other' ただ...目に見える「何か」は初めから But... 'Something' I can see from the beginning ほら... See... 今宵は羽化の宴 Will be the feast of eclosion tonight *Notes: 叫ぶ痛み: The lyric was not on the official lyrics. 幾千ノ囀 霹雷ト成ル: Appeared in the music video, however it is not sung nor on the official lyrics.

