
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

モナルカ-Sirius Black(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


Kneeling on me! Kneel to me! Everything is destiny Everything's destined The way I should advance So is the way I should go Return the gear which went wrong to the beginning Return the broken gear to its beginning Beating increases the violence Heartbeat's increasing violently And time has begun to move And time has begun to move Going back doesn't have a word from the beginning Back to that void beginning 悲観する事はない There's nothing to be pessimistic at お前には俺がいるだろう You still have me, don't you 俺と一緒に来るんだ You're coming along with me 望みを叶えてやる I'm turning your wishes into reality さあ世界が(Dope)瞬いた(Damn) The world (Dope) flickered (Dame) 我らを暗く照らすかのように(Give it to me) Like it's shining upon us darkly (Give it to me) 未来が絶望でも(Day to die) Even though future is desperate (Day to die) この世界眼に映る全て俺のモノ(It is what it is) Everything I see in this world is mine (It is what it is) もう止まらない It's unstoppable I gotta go I gotta go Kiss my ass Kiss my ass Cut the crap Cut the crap The way I should advance The way I should go I never lose. I either win or learn I never lose, I either win or learn さあ世界が囁いた The world muttered 我らを軽く騙すかのように Like it's fooling us easily 未来が虚像でも Even though future is an illusion この世界眼に映る全て俺のモノ Everything I see in this world is mine もう戻らない There's no going back 例え幾度命尽きそうになっても(Go forward now) No matter how many times I have to exhaust (Go forward now) 描いてきた夢は胸に I never regret 刻んで貫いて後悔はない Engraving the dreams I dreamt and persevering in them もう二度と迷わない I'll never lose my way again さあ世界は輝いている The world's shining 闇夜を裂き光この手に Have the light that tears up the dark night in this hand 今は弱く脆くても Although we're now weak and fragile この世界眼に映る全て俺タチのモノ Everything we see in this world is ours もう離さない We'll never let go

