
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

穿つ雨-もにょたち(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「穿つ雨」(Piercing Rain)

曇り硝子越しの声に I don't mean to get mad イラつきたいわけじゃないんだ At the voice across the frosted glass でも恣意的反射 But I have arbitrary reflex だってどいつもこいつもウザったいわ Because everyone is so annoying もう一度でも一緒 It'll be the same if it's repeating again 終わりが見えない It's never-ending 傷を付け合って舐め合う事に慣れてしまうよ We're getting used to hurting and nursing each other's wounds 正体のない声が嘲笑う The shapeless voice laughs at me 「どうせ死んだって何も変わらない」と 'Nothing will change if you're dead anyway' じゃあこのまま辞めてもいいじゃん気が楽さ Then it'll be fine to give up as it is, because I'll feel at ease 今一思いに僕を… Do it now... 正体は何なのさ! Who are you! いっそ心を突き刺して Just stab my heart 迷うことなく穿ってよ Pierce through with no hesitation 売り言葉に買い言葉で What's that delightful 仲違い何が楽しいんだ To have a quarrel because of tit for tat 正義心すら猜疑心だって Because even the sense of justice has already turnt into a sense of suspicion 誰のせい 僕じゃない 許せない 君が悪い Whose fault is this, not mine, unforgivable, it's your fault もどかしい 心なし いびり合い 気味が悪い irritating, heartless, torturing one another, disturbing 正体のない声が今日もまた The shapeless voice 「どうぜ死んだって何も変わらない」と Taps my shoulder in an over-friendly way 馴れ馴れしく肩を叩いて不敵に笑った And say 'Nothing will change if you're dead anyway' with a daring smile again today 誤魔化さず言えよ! Be honest! 正体はなんなのさ! Who are you! いっそ心を突き刺して Just stab my heart 僕の負けだと穿ってみせて! And expose my failure!

