
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

アスファルトに聞け-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「アスファルトに聞け」(Leap Down)

訪れる今日に探し物 Searching on the arrived today もう生きる意味は無いよね I bet there's no reason to live 捻くれた想いそっと偲ばせ空を眺めては If I secretly reminisce my distorted ideas and gaze at the sky 歪んだ感情殺して無理に微笑む I'll believe that I'll be rewarded 報われると信じて so I press down my twisted feelings and force a smile 存在定義を認めて欲しくてフラストレーション Because I want to be recognised 溜めるように I get more and more frustrated 有害物質を飲み込んだせいで支障来したお望みのとおり So I drank noxious substances, and broke as I wished 毎日毎晩気が狂いそうさ心が静かに折れる音が聞こえた I'm going mad every day and night, I heard the soft crack of my heart 僕はただ思う事つぶやいて他人の気を惹くけれど I'm just murmuring about what's on my mind, trying to catch others' attention 見向きもされないから腐るのは摂理さ But I'm ignored, so is corrosion my destiny どこかしら拗らせてしまうまた悪い思考に堕ちて Not knowing when did things go wrong, I fall into my negative thoughts again 望まれない命と嗚呼、嗚呼、嘆くだけ I can only sigh this is an undesired life, alack and alas 鬱な重低音 I heard the depressed deep bass (ここでベタにギターソロ) (Perform guitar solo here as always) 存在定義を認めて欲しくてフラストレーション溜めるように I get more and more frustrated because I wanted to be recognised 有害物質を飲み込んだせいで支障来したお望みのとおり So I drank noxious substances and broke as I wished 毎日毎晩気が狂いそうさ 心が静かに折れる音が聞こえた I'm going mad every day and night, I heard the soft crack of my heart 静まり返った辺りは暗くて定点凝視で死んだように In absolute quiet, the surrounding was dark and gazing at me lifelessly 秒針の音は煩すぎるから何故だか涙が流れ出た The second hand was too annoying, so my tears dropped without any reason 明日の朝には目は開かなくて冷たくなって When tomorrow comes, it becomes so cold that I can't open my eyes でも一人は怖くて寂しいから But being alone was scarily lonely 嗚呼、僕はまた違う事つぶやいて君の気を惹くけれど Alas, I murmured again about different things, trying to catch your attention 見向きもされないから腐るのは摂理さ But I'm ignored, so is corrosion my destiny どこかしら拗らせてしまうならビルの狭間に堕ちて Not knowing when did things go wrong, I fall down from the gap of buildings 地面に耳を当てて嗚呼、嗚呼、嗚呼嗚呼嗚呼 My ears touch the ground, alack and alas 鬱な重低音 I heard the depressed deep bass

