
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

達磨-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


「ええ、其れまでは性癖や自慰でさえも非常に平凡なものでした。」 ‘Yes, even my inclination and consolation were extremely ordinary before that.’ ぴちゃびちゃぐちゃ…どろぉ…だらぁだらぁり Splashes, in a mess... Thickens... Drips 剥き出し柘榴の糸引き花 I bare the aroused pomegranate blossom 呂律の羅列 らりるれろら Words are slurred, ra-ri-ru-re-ro-ra 奥まで開いて覗く。 I open all the way down and peek. いないないないないばあ Peek-a-peek-a-boo 左脚 右腕 膣痙攣 Left leg, right arm, vagina goes into spasm 回る姦る廻る姦る I rape you again and again だるまさんがころんだ I caught you ぴちゃびちゃぐちゃ…どろぉ…だらぁだらぁり Splashes, in a mess... Thickens... Drips 奇異な曲線に反り立つ魔羅 My penis rises into a strange curve 呂律の羅列 るれりらるれ Words are slurred, ra-ri-ru-re-ro-ra ごろり、ごろんと。 You fall. いないないないないないないばあ Peek-a-peek-a-peek-a-boo 右脚 左腕 貞操帯 Right leg, left arm, chasity belt 回る姦る廻る姦る I rape her again and again だるまさんがわらった She laughed 「彼女の左脚は透き通るように白く綺麗で柔らかく…遂には其の味を知ってみたくなった、其れだけの事です。  ‘Her left leg was as clear as crystal, beautiful and soft... Eventually, I wanted to know how it tastes. That is it.  ただ、単純に性的興奮を覚える事への嗜好が変わってしまったというだけですから僕にとっては至って普通のもなのです。  ‎It is merely a change in the preference of sexual arousals, so that is extremely normal to me.  彼女もどうやらソレが心地好かったのか、ええきっとそうでしょう僕に満面の笑みを浮かべてくれていましたから。  It seemed that she felt pleasant. Yes, it must be that, for she was all smiles.  とても清々しい朝で優しく微笑みかけてくれていたのが何よりも本当の意味で貴女を手に入れた素晴らしい朝でもあり全ての始まりなのです。」  The very fresh morning she gave me a gentle smile, is not only the most splendid morning I obtained her literally, but also the start of everything.’ 「そんなに僕の事が、嫌いですか?」 ‘Do you really dislike me?’ いないないないないないないばあ Peek-a-peek-a-peek-a-boo 「御喋り雀は舌切り落とせ」 ‘The tongue of the loquacious sparrow will be off’ 嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌 嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌 No, No, No, No, No, No, No. No, No, No, No, No, No, No. 嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌 嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌嫌 No, No, No, No, No, No, No. No, No, No, No, No, No, No. まわるまわるまわるまわる Again and again, again and again だるまさんがこわれた She is broken *Notes: 達磨: Bodhidharma was a semi-legendary Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century. He is traditionally credited as the transmitter of Chan Buddhism to China, and regarded as its first Chinese patriarch. According to Chinese legend, he also began the physical training of the monks of Shaolin Monastery that led to the creation of Shaolin kungfu. In Japan, he is known as Daruma. His name means ‘dharma of awakening (bodhi)’ in Sanskrit. だるまさんがころんだ: Literally means ‘Daruma falls’, an idiom meaning I caught you.

