「花鳥風月」(The Beauties of Nature)
Like somewhat burnt in the back of skull
Numbness is starting to feel pleasant
You stake calmness on sudden pleasure
Even the beauty looking back turns around like twisting off her head
花は移ろう時の中 姿形を変え⽣まれ変わる
In the changing times, flowers reform and reborn
⼈は移ろう時の中 相も変わらず
In the changing times, people stay the same
Struggle in rage
歪んだ花⿃風⽉ 幸も不幸も紙一重
The beauties of nature are twisted, there is just a fine line between fortune and misfortune
⾸落ちるか それとも五光に照らされるか
You want to lose your life, or bathe in five bright*
花擦り合わせては ⼀喜⼀憂 刹那遊戯
When flowers are paired, you waver between joy and sorrow in that instant game*
Life and death or whatsoever, isn't that what we are?
Let’s water the parched flower
Like how badly rotten in the back of skull
My pureness is nowhere to be found
People who hang and people who look and ridicule
If her skin is peeled off, even the beauty looking back is the same
腐った花⿃風⽉ 当に旬は過ぎ去った
The beauties of nature are rottened, season has already gone
合わせる花⾒失い 指を咥え迷う
Losing your cards, you look enviously in hesitation*
花擦り合わせては 哀歓悲喜 痛い痛い
When flowers are paired, feelings are mixed, you are in deep pain
Even men's life and death is men's comedy
壊れた花⿃風⽉ もう元には戻らない
The beauties of nature is wrecked, there is no turning back
People are licking their lips on that foolish life
夢を⾒たいでしょう? 現を抜かす程
Don't you wish to fantasise? Like being totally abosorbed in it
Who are you continuing to pretend again and again to?
Let us water the parched life
花鳥風月: Literally ‘flower, bird, wind and moon’
五光: Literally ‘five bright’, the highest scoring combination in hana-awase (花合わせ, literally means “Flower pairings”), a basic game of hanafuda (花札, “flower cards”). The lyric probably means winning or making a success of something.
花擦り合わせて: Supposed to imply hana-awase. The lyric probably means to compete with others or similar meanings
合わせる花: Supposed to mean the flower cards in hand
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