
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

狂ィ-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


僕はあなたが嫌いです。 I detest you. さあさごゆるり とくとごらんあれ Take your time, please look deeply 波風ひゅるり 死人の合唱 The churning waves, are the chorus of the dead 化けの皮剥ぎ 格なき輪廻 Tear the monster's skin in the ruleless samsara 心なき あはれよ Heartless, piteous 狂狂 狂狂狂狂 I shall go mad, totally mad 狂狂 浮世の神隠し I shall go mad, lose myself in the mortal world 狂狂 狂狂狂狂 I shall go mad, totally mad 狂狂 死灰が復燃ゆる Madness resurges 狂狂 狂狂狂狂 I shall go mad, totally mad さあさこちらへ どちらが召しませふ Come this way, let someone enjoy 亡き骸嘲笑 余波にて狂騒 Corpses ridicule and clamour in the remaining waves 怨嗟連鎖で 鬼遊びの様 The relentless grudges are like playing tag その先に 御来光 The sun rises there 狂狂 狂狂狂狂 I shall go mad, totally mad 狂狂 浮世の神隠し I shall go mad, lose myself in the mortal world 狂狂 狂狂狂狂 I shall go mad, totally mad 狂狂 死灰が復燃ゆる Madness resurges 狂狂 狂狂狂狂 I shall go mad, totally mad 僕はあなたが嫌いです。 I detest you.

