
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

徒然草-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「徒然草」(Essay in Idleness)

眩しい闇に包まれてしまうまで あちらこちらと抗い続け I will keep on resisting before I am wrapped up by the bright murk* 君が伸べてくれる手を強くは握れないけど… Yet I cannot grasp your reaching hand... 深く堕ちて行ける空が近い… The sky I can fall deep down into is close... 声も言葉も君には残せない 僕の証も刻み付けられない Neither sounds nor words are left to you, even my evidence cannot be etched それでも君と僕とが幾重にも重ねてきた Still, our silhouettes overlapped again and again 歩みを信じさせて欲しいから… For I want you to believe in my steps... 少しくらい笑ってよ 涙に濡れた笑顔で良い Smile a little smile, a smile in tears will do 僕が連れて行けるのは思い出だけだから… For I can only be brought to your memories... 素直になれない君の事だから 僕の気持ちもわかってるでしょ? For you cannot be true to yourself, so perhaps you should be able to understand my feeling? 「嫌だ…」 ‘No...’ 純白と漆黒の雨霰 The pure white and jet black rain and hail 眩しい闇に包まれてしまうまで あちらこちらと抗い続け I will keep on resisting before I am wrapped up by the bright murk 君が伸べてくれる手を少しも握れないけど… Yet I cannot even hold your reaching hands... 深く堕ちて行ける空が近い… The sky I can fall deep down into is close... 少しくらい笑ってよ 涙に濡れた笑顔で良い Smile a little smile, a smile in tears will do 僕が連れて行けるのは思い出だけだから… For I can only be brought to your memories... 怖くないと言えば嘘で 辛くないと言うのも嘘 If you wish to say it is not scary, say it with a lie, even not difficult is a lie 本当に伝えたい僕の心からの言葉… What I want to tell truly from my heart is... 「……」 ‘...’* *Notes: 包まれてしまう: Although the Kanji is 包まる (くるまる), it is pronounced as ‘つまる (詰まる)’, which means to be filled up with. Thus, the lyric could also means ‘Before I am filled with the bright murk’. 「……」: The actual lyric is ‘ありがとう’, which is thank you.

