
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

KARISUMA-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


騒がしいが中身は空っぽ Though being clamorous, there's nothing inside なんやかんや生きてますって I'm kinda alive 虚勢張っても絶体絶命な現実 Even though I put on a brave front, the reality is desperate 余生無視でご機嫌なparty Ignore the rest of my life and party in a good mood 精神状態崩壊で 心も容易くバラ散いて I'm breaking down, so I lose focus easily 逃げる様に楽に逝ければ If I can die at ease like escaping 言い遺したいことは無い もうさっさとこの世から消えたい Then I have no words to leave behind, I just want to disappear from this world quickly 「悲観」遺憾それでいいのかい 'Pessimistic' regrettable, this do? 聞き耳立てて拝聴 Lend an ear 疾うに末期状態 It has been at the last stage long ago 変わる気ないなら If I don't want to change お先真っ暗です The future is hopeless 誇れるものが何もないと嘆いてさ Sighing there's nothing to feel proud of 何故笑ってんの疑いもせずに心無くして Why am I laughing heartlessly that easily? どうなったって知らないよ I don't care アレもコレもソレも嗚呼 About whatever that is, ah 望んでるぞ 絶望をも覆す言葉を I'm hoping for words that will even overthrow despair きっとそれは君の描くカリスマなんだろう That must be the charisuma that depicts you 嫌々生きててもいずれば死ぬだけさ I am unwillingly alive, but there'll only be death if I try to avoid it 否々怖いけど生きたいけど≒逝きたいけど…ってもうなんなんだよ!! Although it isn't scary, Although I want to live ≒ Although I want to die... What the hell do I want!! 精神状態崩壊で 衛生上よくはないね I'm breaking down, so I can't take good care of myself* 雑に生きて苦しんで I'm slovenly alive, I'm miserable 言い遺したいことは無い もうさっさとこの世から消えたい I have no words to leave behind, I just want to disappear from this world quickly 「悲観」イカンそれでいいのかい Not being 'essimistic', this do? もうやめなよ That's enough 舐め腐ってんの疑いもせずに心無くすの Are you fucking looking down on me? Are you losing your heart easily? どうなったって知らないよ I don't care アレもコレもソレも嗚呼 Whatever that is, ah 終わってるぞ浮ついた生き様の果てに Living a flippant life, you are done そこでいつか君が気づく解答は何だろう What'll be the answer you are noticing at the end 錆び付いていた価値観さえ壊すから It's even destroying the rusted values 何故唄ってるの疑いもせずに此処を選ぶよ Why am I singing? Choose here with no hesitation どうなったって知らないよ I don't care アレもコレもソレも全部 About everything anymore 望んでるの感情をも貫く言葉を Are you hoping for words that can even run through feelings? きっとそれは君の描くカリスマなんだろう That must be the charisuma that depicts you *Note: 衛生上: Literally 'the aspect of hygenie', so '衛生上よくはないね' would be 'don't have good hygenie'. As you do not have good hygenie when you cannot take good care of yourself, the lyric is translated into 'I can't take good care of myself'.

