
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

蛾ゲハ蝶 -再録--己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「蛾ゲハ蝶 -再録-」(Moth Butterfly)

君を⾒ていた… I was watching you... 僕の○から君の□に逸らす事なく唯、視線を贈り続けてた… My ○ has never turned away, it kept on looking at your □... 君を⾒ていた… I was watching you... 僕の○なら君の□も、ソノ先の君も近くに感じられるから… If it is my ○, no matter it is your □ or you at the front, it can feel them being near me… 僕の部屋の中の○に気がついた君は、もう⼆度と僕に笑いかけてくれる事もないんだね… Noticing the ○ in my room, you probably will not smile at me again… 「明⽇の為に今⽇を過去に出来たなら、流れて消えた昨⽇にも意味を持たせられるかも…」 'If I turned today into the past for tomorrow, then perhaps the elapsed yesterday can be meaningful...' ひらひらひらら ふわふわふわわ 舞っては揺れる 「蛾ゲハ蝶」 Dance and waver, lightly and softly, 'moth butterfly' 落⽇を浴び 朱の香を飾り キレイに咲いた 「蛾ゲハ蝶」 Bask in sunset, decorate with vermilion scent, bloomed fairly, 'moth butterfly' 黒とも蜜⾊とも⾔えぬソノ背の翅に浮かんだ瞳に映るは In the eyes which came to mind for the wings on the back that cannot tell whether they are black or honey 歪な純愛を贈る僕か…歪な泪でソレを拒む君か… Is that me who present you a crooked true love... Or you who refuse with crooked tears... 「過去を振り返らぬ様に、後ろ向きに歩いた君の波打ち際も、気がつけばもがいてた…」 'If your feeling that walked backwards so as not to look back on the past noticed, it was agitating...' ひらひらひらら ふわふわふわわ 舞っては揺れる ん「蛾ゲハ蝶」 Dance and waver, lightly and softly, 'moth butterfly' もう少し、あと少し、君が僕を⾒る⽬が違えば…温かければ… Just a little bit more, only a little bit more; if the way you see me is different... If it is warmer... コノ痛みも辛みも分かつ事が…ソノ先に⾒えた「僕的幸福論」も… I can share this misery and bitterness... so can I share 'my theory of happiness' I saw in the future... 何も出来ないから、せめて今⽇も君に⼀⽇を⾒守っているよ… For nothing can be done, at least I am watching over you today...

