
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

White Dress-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「White Dress」(白色連衣裙)

Sun stare, don't care with my head in my hands 陽光明媚,可是我沒有理會 Thinking of a simpler time 只是抱着頭,想着一個更為簡單的時刻 Like Sun Ra, feel small 我就像桑拉一樣,感到渺小 But I had it under control every time 但是這種感覺每次都在掌握之中 When I was a waitress wearing a white dress 當我是個穿着白色連衣裙的侍應時 Look how I do this, look how I got this 看我如何做好一切,看我如何處理好一切 I was a waitress working the night shift 我曾是個上夜班的侍應 You were my man, felt like I got this 你是我的摰友,覺得我可以好好的 Down at the Men in Music Business Conference 與音樂商業會議中的那些男人周旋 Down in Orlando, I was only nineteen 當我在奧蘭多時,我只得十九歲 Down at the Men in Music Business Conference 我提及與音樂商業會議中的那些男人周旋的事 I only mention it 'cause it was such a scene 只因一切太過誇張 And I felt seen 而且我那時覺得自己被看透了 Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm 嗯……嗯…… Summer, sizzling 在炎熱的夏天 Listening to jazz out on the lawn 我在草坪上聽着爵士樂 Listеning to White Stripes when thеy were white-hot 當白線條樂園紅透半邊天時聽着他們的歌 Listening to rock all day long 整天都在聽着搖滾樂 When I was a waitress wearing a tight dress handling the heat 當我是個穿着緊身裙的侍應,應付着那股熱力 I wasn't famous, just listening to Kings of Leon to the beat 我還未成名,只是聽着里昂王族的節拍 Like look at how I got this, look how I got this 就像看我如何處理好一切,看我如何處理好一切 Just singing the street 只是在街上唱着歌 Down at the Men in Music Business Conference 與音樂商業會議中的那些男人周旋 I felt free 'cause I was only nineteen 我感到自由自在因為那時我只得十九歲 Such a scene 一切都太過誇張 Summer, summer's almost gone 夏天,夏天快要完結了 We were talking about life, we were sitting outside 'til dawn 我們在談論人生,我們坐在外面直至破曉 But I would still go back 如果可以重來 If I could do it all again, I thought 我仍然會回去, Because it made me feel, made me feel like a god 因為那讓我覺得,那讓我覺得自己就像神仙一樣 'Cause it made me feel, made me feel like a god 因為那讓我覺得,那讓我覺得自己就像神仙一樣 Somehow it made me feel, made me feel like a god 不知怎麼,那讓我覺得,那讓我覺得自己就像神仙一樣 When I was a waitress wearing a white dress 當我是個穿着白色連衣裙的侍應時 Look how I do this, look how I got this 看我如何做好我的工作,看我如何處理好一切 I was a waitress working the night shift 我曾是個上夜班的侍應 You were my man, felt like I got this 你是我的摰友,覺得我可以好好的 Down at the Men in Music Business Conference 與音樂商業會議中的那些男人周旋 Down in Orlando, I was only nineteen 當我在奧蘭多時,我只得十九歲 Down at the Men in Music Business Conference 我提及與音樂商業會議中的那些男人周旋的事 I only mention it 'cause it was such a scene 只因一切太過誇張 And I felt seen 而且我那時覺得自己被看透了 Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm 嗯……嗯…… When I was a waitress wearing a tight dress 當我是個穿着緊身裙的侍應 Like, look how I do it, look how I got this 就像,看我如何做好我的工作,看我如何處理好一切 I was a waitress wearing a tight dress 當我是個穿着緊身裙的侍應 Like, look how I do it, look how I got this 就像,看我如何做好我的工作,看我如何處理好一切 It made me feel, made me feel like a god 那讓我覺得,那讓我覺得自己就像神仙一樣 It kinda makes me feel, like maybe I was better off 那讓我有點覺得,可能自己變好了 'Cause it made me feel, made me feel like a god 因為那讓我覺得,那讓我覺得自己就像神仙一樣 It kinda makes me feel, like maybe I was better off 那讓我有點覺得,可能自己變好了

