
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

漣-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


軈て移らふ愛は 此の掌に何を残せませふ What will the soon changing love leave on this palm 傍らにて微睡む 甘ゐ睦言は燗の温み Dozing by my side, your sweet whispers are the warmth of heated sake 引潮の攫う刻に擦り抜けませふか Shall I steal away when the tide ebbeth 残り香だけ あゝ沁み入るやうに泡沫と消ゆ罪作り Only the lingering fragrance stays, alas, thou vanishest with bubbles cruelly like aching my heart 御銭、女、恋…凡てに 汚くもふしだらな あなた To money, women, love, everything... Thou art filthy and licentious ぬらりくらり 揺蕩へど 寄せては返し Ambiguous and indecisive, yet still, the wave cometh and goeth 「浮きつ沈みつ」 'Ebbeth and floweth' 軈て移らふ愛も 此の掌を絡み梳けるでせふ Perhaps even will the soon changing love this palm tangle and untangle 波打つ髪、艶無く 何れ飽ゐて終ふ哀に The waving hair lost its shine, everything will end in sorrow when weariness cometh 番ゐの小鳥は嘸や仕合わせでせふか Perhaps are the brace of birds in happiness 空を仰ぎ あゝ鴛鴦願ふ飛翔び立てぬ恋ノ淵 I gaze at the sky, alas, I wish we can be lovebirds, and yet I cannot fly away from the abyss of love 乞ふて焦がれし袖時雨 現つにならぬと知りぬれど I beg, I yearn, and I have tears drenched my sleeves, though I knew it would not come true 波紋 眩暈 弧を描けば 藻掻たく蒼へ Ripple, dizziness, if an arc is drawn, we shall spread our wings to the blue 「息モ偽ラズニ」 'Like we can hardly breathe' 紅涙拭ふ あゝ其ノ指さへも戯れなのでせふか Weeping my bitter tears, alas, are the finger even a-playing me 御銭、女、恋…凡てに汚くもふしだらな あなた Money, women, love... Thou art filthy and licentious to everything ぬらりくらり 揺蕩へど 寄せては返す 漣 Ambiguous and indecisive, yet still, the ripple cometh and goeth like waves 乞ふて焦がれし袖時雨 現つにならぬと知りぬれど I beg, I yearn, and I have tears drenched my sleeves, though I knew it would not come true 波紋 眩暈 弧を描けば 藻掻たく蒼へ比翼と成りて Ripple, dizziness, if an arc is drawn, we shall spread our wings together to the blue 「手と手を縛め蒼へ」 'To the blue with our hands tied'

