
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

箱庭-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「箱庭」(Miniature Garden)

否が応でもへばり付いて離れぬまま 弥が上にも煩わしい You stay close to me whether I like it or not, and become more and more annoying 手を伸べる事は無い癖に足を掛け転がる私を嗤う You have never given me a helping hand, but you laugh when I tumble 何時かの鴉は影絵の様に真っ黒だった The crow some time ago was black like shadow 何時しか鴉は見る影もなく白を纏う The crow loses its shine and is clad in white before I know it 見窄らしいその様が余りにも美しく見えた The shabby appearence was too beautiful 咥えてた指が離れ…舌舐り You let go the finger in your mouth... and lick your lips 翼捥いで Breaking my wings 「いただきます」 'I shall enjoy my meal' 右に倣うな 左に倣うな 唯一私に倣え Do not follow the right, do not follow the left, just follow myself 矩形の空は飽きる事もなく 晴天 I have never been tired of the retangular sky, it is sunny 此処は「箱庭」 私だけの園 命を賭した飯事 This is a 'miniature garden', my garden only, the house game I staked my life on 私を閉じ込めたなら…蓋をしましょう If you locked me up... Remember to close the lid 此の子は要らぬ 彼の子も要らぬ You do not need this nor that child 誰彼も無く 私だけで良い You need no one, just me will do 否が応でもこびり付いて離れぬまま 相変わらず煩わしい You flatter me whether I like it or not, this is annoying as usual 二進も三進も行かぬ理由 The reason I am driven to the wall 「私だけが私だから」 'For only I am me' 異は爪弾きましょう 其れを見て嗤う私 Let us reject the outsiders, I look and laugh 白い翼を広げて空に舞い上がり…ぽつり They spread their white wings and soar high in the sky... I murmur 「おめでとう」 'Congratulations' 夢にまで見た現に溺れよう 不思議と苦しくは無い Drown in the reality I even saw in my dream, it was surprisingly not hard 矩形の空は慌ただしく咆える 曇天 The rectangular sky are roaring hastily, it is cloudy 此処は「箱庭」 私だけの園 命を賭した飯事 This is a 'miniature garden', my garden only, the house game I staked my life on 私を閉じ込めたなら…蓋をしましょう If you locked me up... Remember to close the lid 僻んだ悲願が犇く彼岸 其れは正に狂気の沙汰 My prejudiced long-held wish is the crowded other side, it is a complete madness 「君に幸あれ」と唾液に塗れて錆びた世迷言 Mutter 'may God bless you', words that are covered with saliva and rusted 白々しい其の声は黒々しい腹の蟲の音 The voice acting foolish is a dirty thought 咥えてた指が離れ…そっと息を殺し叩き潰した You let go the finger in your mouth... held your breath quietly and smashed it 闇の中飛び回る私は「白い鴉」 Flying in the darkness, I am a 'white crow' これが私の目を開けて見る夢 This is a dream I have with my eyes open

