
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Life Is Beautiful-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Life Is Beautiful」(美好人生)

Don't be that way 別那樣 Don't you pretend 當你知道其實自己已經醒了 You're not awake 就別裝作 When you know you are 自己仍在睡夢中 I see the way 看到你 You're lying there 躺着的模樣 I know you can't 我就知道 Be very far 你不會離我太遠 God wouldn’t do that 神不會那樣做 He knows how I feel 祂知道我的感受 I can’t go through that 我不會受得了 And so it’s not real 所以那並非真實 Life is still so beautiful 人生仍然很美好 Life is still so beautiful 人生仍然很美好 Don't be so still 別那麼安靜 You never are 你從不是那樣的人 You like to play 你喜愛玩樂 Your soul's on fire 你熱情如火 I don't believe this is the end 我不相信我們那樣做會就此完結 And I still feel your heart's desire 我仍感受到你心裏的欲望 God couldn’t do that 神不會 He knows you belong 祂知道你 To me and me only 只屬於我 And so I’ll be strong 所以我會變得堅強 Life is still so beautiful 人生仍然很美好 Life is still so beautiful 人生仍然很美好 Come on boy, let's go 來吧,我的男孩 We can hit the road 我們可以隨時出發 We don't have to say 我們不用說 Where we're going 現在到哪裏去 We can go anywhere 哪裏都可以 We can go anywhere 哪裏都可以 We can go anywhere 哪裏都可以 Right now 現在 Life is still so beautiful 人生仍然很美好 Life is still so beautiful 人生仍然很美好

