
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

朧-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


静寂 背にし歩み寄るは一つの影 A shadow comes near silently 脆弱 命の儚さを貪り生く Fragility covets after and lives in your ephemerality* 愛しき人を想い募れど Though my feeling for my love gets stronger 心の奥に…潜みし狂気が惑わする The lurking madness on my mind... confuses me 舞い昇る月が照らす心模様 My mood, being shined by the rising moon, 陰りと共に埋め尽くし Is filling me up with shadow 妖しき光に誘われ闇に落つれば If I am being lured by the mysterious light and fall into the darkness 二度と戻れはしない We can never go back again 藻掻けど藻掻きゆく程にせせら笑う The more you writhe, the more I laugh 足掻けど足掻きゆく程にせせら笑う The more you struggle, the more I laugh 愛しき人を想い募れど Though my feeling for my love gets stronger 心の奥に…潜みし邪念が狂わする The lurking evil thought on my mind... drives me mad 空を舞う雲が隠す憂き世に Hatred grows quietly 静かに滾る負の憎悪 In the mortal world covered by floating clouds 激しき目眩に苛まれ理性無くせば If I am being tortured by the intense dizziness and lose my mind 未来永劫彷徨う I will roam eternally 舞い降りる月が照らす心模様 My mood, being shined by the setting moon, 陰りを更に埋め尽くし is filling the shadow up even more 怪し言ノ葉に誘われ光閉ざせば If it is being lured by strange words and blocks the light 残るは未練 散るは紅 Only regret remains, redness scatters ねぇ、せめて…もう少しだけでいい Just... Stay a little more 温もり優しさくれたなら If you have given me warmth and kindness やり直せられたのに… then we should be able to start all over again... *あの時私が見たモノは The thing I saw at that time 貴方ではなくただの幻影 Was not you but just an illusion そう思っていたのは It is voidness but not truth 真実ではなく空虚 That thought so 在れは確かに人の形をしたけれど Though it looks like a real person, it is not one そう、私自身* Yes, that is me *Notes: *Lyrics are not on the official lyrics book 命: Although the kanji means life, it is pronounced as 'みこと', which is a second-person singular that slightly look down on the person

