
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Sweet Carolina-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Sweet Carolina」(親愛的卡露蓮娜)

Don't have to write me a letter 你不用寫信給我 'Cause I'll always be right here 因為我會一直在你身邊 Closer to you than your next breath, my dear 比你要吸的另一口氣還要貼近你,親愛的 We love every hair on your head 我們愛你每一條頭髮 Love you like God loves you 如上主般愛你 And you say that you're scared 你說你很害怕 Might be unprepared for havin' the baby blues 自己未準備好產後抑鬱的來臨 Baby blues, baby blues 產後抑鬱 If things ever go wrong, just know this is your song 要是發生了甚麼事,記住這是你的歌 And we love you 我們都很愛你 You name your babe Lilac Heaven 你以你的iPhone 11 After your iPhone 11 為你的孩子命名作利拉克希文 "Crypto forever," scrеams your stupid boyfriend 你的白痴男友大叫:「加密貨幣萬歲!」 Fuck you, Kevin 去你的,凱文 We lovе every freckle you have 我們愛你臉上所有雀斑 We love you like God loves you 我們如上主般愛你 If you're ever stressed out, just dance in the night 要是你覺得壓力很大,在夜空中舞動吧 If you get those baby blues 要是你得了產後抑鬱 Baby blues, baby blues 產後抑鬱 If things ever go wrong 要是發生了甚麼事 Just know this is your song and we love you 記住這是你的歌而我們都很愛你 Pink slippers all on the floor and woven nets over the door 地上都是粉色拖鞋,織網掛在門上 It's as close as we'll get to the dream that they had 感覺我們快要實現 In the one night sixties, and 他們在六十年代某夜的夢 Jason is out in the lawn 傑生現在在草坪上 And he powerwashes every time things go wrong 每次出了甚麼問題他都會把一切洗淨 If you're stressed out, just know you can dance to your song 要是你覺得壓力很大,記住你是可以隨你的歌起舞 'Cause we got you 因為我們會照顧好你 If you get the blues, baby blues 要是你得了產後抑鬱 Just know this is your song 記住這是你的歌 It'll live on and on, way past me and you 它會一直流傳下去,至我倆消逝了的以後 If you get the blues, baby blues 要是你得了產後抑鬱 You've got us, we've got you 你有我們,我們會照顧好你的 So there's nothing to lose, and we love you 所以你不會失去甚麼,而且我們很愛你 So don't write me a letter 所以你不用寫信給我 I'll always be right here 我會一直在你身邊 Closer to you than your next breath, my dear 比你要吸的另一口氣還要貼近你,親愛的

