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SMASH the BRAIN-コドモドラゴン(英中歌詞翻譯)

「SMASH the BRAIN」(砸碎腦袋)

Go ahead!! 去吧!! Give me stimilus, not quite full yet!! 給我更多刺激,我還未夠啊!! I'm bastard. 我是個混蛋。 Do something!! 做點甚麼!! Helplessness means resignation. 無能為力就是放棄。 I've had it!! 我受不了了!! I'm out!! 不幹了!! Are you sane? 你沒瘋吧? Worthless fellow. 廢物。 Break!! Boring every day. 打破!!無聊的每一天 Sorry I said selfish. 抱歉,我就是自私。 Now or never. 機不可失,失不再來。 I've no time to cry. 我沒時間哭。 I fear nothing. 我無畏無懼。 Sail out for the unknown new world. 朝未知的新世界揚帆出行。 Keep your face to the sunshine. 面向陽光。 You can't see the shadow. 你將不會看到黑暗。 I don't have the nerve to do it. 我沒有勇氣。 I'm a coward. 我是個懦夫。 I've had it!! 我受不了了!! I'm out!! 不幹了!! Are you sane? 你沒瘋吧? Worthless fellow. 廢物。 Break!! Boring every day. 打破!!無聊的每一天 Sorry I said selfish. 抱歉,我就是自私。 Now or never. 機不可失,失不再來。 I've no time to cry. 我沒時間哭。 I fear nothing. 我無畏無懼。 Sail out for the unknown new world. 朝未知的新世界揚帆出行。 Time has come. 是時候了。 Pound first of new era. 粉碎這個新時代。 Just you wait and see. 等著瞧吧。 Just be myself. 活出自我。 That is enough. 那便足矣。

