
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

雪月花-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「雪月花」(Snow, Moon and Flowers)

「あれ」に馳せた想は語らず冷たく戯る My mind, thinking about 'that', toys me coldly without uttering a word 千夜を越えて芽吹いた想 捻じれど真 The thought, passed a thousand nights and sprouted, is twisted yet a truth 想い焦がれ見続けた夢 何時しか塗れて其れこそが常 The dream I have been pining for and keep on having is stained some time ago and that is what it should be ふらふらと不埒 その先で咲き 飼い慣らされた腕を払う I push way the tamed hand that sways annoyingly and blossoms at the front 交わり合う影絵が凛と響き渡る The mingling silhouettes echo imposingly 色取り取りの闇を白く染め上げれば艶 If the colourful darkness is dyed with white, it shall become allure 揺らめき合う影絵が躙と響き渡る The swaying silhouettes echo as they move with their knees 選り取り見取りの闇へと誘う淡い憶の想 The faint thought lures me into the darkness where I can have my pick 罅割れ剥がれて溢れた情と慾 A crack peeled off, so affections and desire overflow 幼心に刺さる棘から荊の様に搦み付く咎 Prickle that pierces the childish heart become the sin that twines like thorns 刻まれ裂いた華 The bloom is chopped and torn into pieces 月の盈ち虧けに問う 在りし日の焦がれは Questioning the lunar phases, love of the old days 雲の狭間 するりと流れる黒髪の様 Is rifts between clouds, it slips away like the black hair 朧を待ち侘びては悴む心を知る If I long for the haze, my heart shall be haggard 手を当てれば鼓動 然れど其れは生と似て非なる If I touch the chest, I feel the heartbeat that sounds alive 面の下から覗き嗤う心の面 My mind peeps through the mask and laugh 数多の白で白を重ねても首を擡げ Though white is covered with thousands of white, it still raises its head *Note: 雪月花: ‘Snow, moon and flowers’ is a Japanese expression and theme in art and design originating from a poem by Tang dynasty poet Bai Juyi. It became popular in the late Edo period. It is a metonym for beautiful sceneries in the nature in Japanese.

