
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

狐-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


霞み惑わすのは愛故か Is love the reason of confusing 燦々と降り注ぐのは哀故か Is sorrow the reason of shining brightly 祝儀の葬列 The cortege of celebration 刹那でもあり永久でもあり It is just an instant, but also everlasting 微かに見える笑顔に涙ほろり Tears drop on the faintly visible smile 燈篭の灯りが湛える冷たい温もり Cold warmth fills the flame of lantern 浮かび上がり、そして消える…また浮かんで、消える… It rises up, and disappears... And it rises, disappears again... 足音だけが右から左へ… Only footsteps are around me... 暗中模索 Groping in the dark 五里霧中 At a complete loss 朧月に誘われ I am being lured into the hazy moon 「見えぬ…見えぬ…」と嘆いては、恐る恐る忍び足 If I sigh 'I cannot see... I cannot see...' I shall tiptoe in fear 彼方から聞こえる祭囃子 There is festival music from beyond 鼓は咆哮、幾千の慟哭 The drums are roars and thousands of cries 泥濘がその命を拒むかの如く… Mud is like refusing the life.. 幼心がその命を投げ出すかの如く… Youthful heart is like renouncing the life... 燈篭の灯りが湛える冷たい温もり Cold warmth fills the flame of lantern 浮かび上がり、そして消える…また浮かんで、消える… It rises up, and disappears... And it rises, disappears again... 足音は気がつけば背後に… If I take heed, there are footsteps behind me... 暗中模索 Groping in the dark 五里霧中 Completely at a loss 朧月に誘われ I am being lured into the hazy moon 「見えぬ…見えぬ…」と嘆いては、恐る恐る忍び足 If I sigh 'I cannot see... I cannot see...', I will tiptoe in fear 行きはよいよい…帰れない… Going is simple... Returning is impossible... 此処は何処…? Where am I...? 「怖い…怖い…」と嘆いては、祭囃子に変わり行く If I sigh 'I am scared... I am scared...', the festival music will change 暗中模索 Groping in the dark 五里霧中 At a complete loss

