
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Without You-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Without You」(沒有你)

Everything I want, I have 我想要的,我都擁有 Money, notoriety, and rivieras 財富、名聲、美景 I even think I found God 我甚至覺得我找到了上主 In the flash bulbs of the pretty cameras 在精緻的相機,精緻的相機 Pretty cameras, pretty cameras 精緻的相機的閃光燈下 Am I glamorous? 我好看嗎? Tell me, am I glamorous? 告訴我,我好看嗎? Hello, hello, ca-can you hear me? 喂喂,你聽到我嗎? I can be your china doll, if you wanna see me fall 要是你想我倒下,我願意成為你的陶瓷娃娃 Boy, you're so dope, your love is deadly 我的愛人,我為你着迷,你的愛令我窒息 Tell me life is beautiful, they all think I have it all 告訴我生命很美好,他們都覺得我擁有一切 I have nothing without you 沒有你的話我一無所有 All my dreams and all the lights mean 沒有你的話 Nothing without you 我所有的夢想和名氣都毫無意義 Summertime is nice and hot 夏日美妙又炎熱 And my life is sweet like vanilla is 我的人生如香草般甜蜜 Gold and silver-lined, my heart 我的心,被金銀財富所盤繞 But burned into my brain all these stolen images 但所有被偷走的畫面烙印在我腦海中 Stolen images, baby, stolen images 被偷走的畫面,寶貝,被偷走的畫面 Can you picture it? 你想像得到嗎,寶貝? Babe, that life we could've lived 我們可以過的生活 Hello, hello, ca-can you hear me? 喂喂,你聽到我嗎? I can be your china doll, if you wanna see me fall 要是你想我倒下,我願意成為你的陶瓷娃娃 Boy, you're so dope, your love is deadly 我的愛人,我為你着迷,你的愛令我窒息 Tell me life is beautiful, they all think I have it all 告訴我生命很美好,他們都覺得我擁有一切 I have nothing without you 沒有你的話我一無所有 All my dreams and all the lights mean 沒有你的話 Nothing without you 我所有的夢想和名氣都毫無意義 We were two kids just tryin' to get out 我們只是兩個想要逃離一切的孩子 Lived on the dark side of the American dream 住在美國夢的陰暗面 We would dance all night, play our music loud 我們會跳一整夜舞,大聲地播我們的音樂 When we grew up, nothing was what it seemed 當我們長大了,一切都不再一樣 Hello, hello, ca-can you hear me? 喂喂,你聽到我嗎? I can be your china doll, if you wanna see me fall 要是你想我倒下,我願意成為你的陶瓷娃娃 Boy, you're so dope, your love is deadly 我的愛人,我為你着迷,你的愛令我窒息 Tell me life is beautiful, they all think I have it all 告訴我生命很美好,他們都覺得我擁有一切 I have nothing without you 沒有你的話我一無所有 All my dreams and all the lights mean 沒有你的話 Nothing without you 我所有的夢想和名氣都毫無意義 Hello, hello, ca-can you hear me? 喂喂,你聽到我嗎? I can be your china doll, if you wanna see me fall 要是你想我倒下,我願意成為你的陶瓷娃娃 Boy, you're so dope, your love is deadly 我的愛人,我為你着迷,你的愛令我窒息 Tell me life is beautiful, they all think I have it all 告訴我生命很美好,他們都覺得我擁有一切 I have nothing without you 沒有你的話我一無所有 All my dreams and all the lights mean 沒有你的話 Nothing without you 我所有的夢想和名氣都毫無意義 All my dreams and all the lights mean 不能擁有你的話 Nothing if I can't have you 我所有的夢想和名氣都毫無意義

