
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

​hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it」(心存希望對我這樣的女人而言危險萬分――但我仍然滿懷希望)

I was reading Slim Aarons 我在看史林.阿倫斯的相集 And I got to thinking that I thought 然後我開始想 Maybe I'd get less stressed 要是我沒有經歷過那麼多 If I was tested less like 或者我就不會那麼焦慮不安 All of these debutantes 像所有初入社交界的名媛 Smiling for miles 穿着粉色連身裙和高跟鞋 In pink dresses and high heels 在白色的遊艇上 On white yachts 歡笑 But I'm not 但我不是那樣的人 Baby, I'm not 寶貝,我不是 But I'm not 但我不是那樣的人 Baby, I'm not 寶貝,我不是 I've been tearing around in my fucking nightgown 我一直穿着我他媽的睡袍四處奔跑 24/7, Sylvia Plath 無時無刻,都像希薇亞.普拉斯那樣 Writing in blood on my walls 'cause the ink in my pen don't 以鮮血在我的牆上書寫 work in my notepad 因為我的筆在筆記本上寫不了 Don't ask if I'm happy, you know that I'm not 別問了,你知道我並不快樂 But at best I can say I'm not sad 但最多我可以說我並不悲傷 'Cause hope is a dangerous thing 因為心存希望對我這樣的女人而言 For a woman like me to have 危險萬分 Hope is a dangerous thing 心存希望對我這樣的女人而言 For a woman like me to have 危險萬分 I had fifteen year dances 我有十五年像舞蹈般的人生 Church basement romances 對,我曾為 Yeah, I've cried 在教堂地下室裏的戀愛哭過 Spilling my guts 對流浪漢 With the Bowery Bums 盡吐我心中秘密 Is the only love I've ever known 是我唯一能感受到愛的時侯 Except for the stage 除了當我在台上 Which I also call home 一個當我不在家時 When I'm not 會稱作家的地方 Servin' up God in a burnt coffee pot 為了組織 For the Triad 在燒過的咖啡壺侍奉上主 Hello, it's the most famous woman you know 哈囉,我是你在iPad上所知道 On the iPad 最有名的女人 Calling from beyond the grave, I just wanna say 在艱難得要死的日子打給你,我只想說句 "Hi, Dad" 「嗨,老爸」 I've been tearing up town in my fucking white gown 我一直穿着我他媽的白色禮服四處狂歡 Like a goddamn near-sociopath 就像個該死的反社會 Shaking my ass is the only thing that's 只有舞蹈可以 Got this black narcissist off my back 讓這邪惡的自戀狂不煩着我 She couldn't care less and I never cared more 他毫不在乎,而我亦不太在意 So there's no more to say about that 所以也沒有甚麼好說的 Except hope is a dangerous thing 除了心存希望對我這樣的女人而言 For a woman like me to have 危險萬分 Hope is a dangerous thing 心存希望對有我般過去的女人而言 For a woman with my past 危險萬分 There's a new revolution 我看到 A loud evolution 一個新的革命 That I saw 一個響亮的演變 Born of confusion 生於困惑 And quiet collusion 與很多我早已知道的秘密 Of which mostly I've known 勾結 A modern day woman 我是個 With a weak constitution 孱弱的現代女性 'Cause I've got 因為 Monsters still under my bed 我床下 That I could never fight off 仍有沒可能擊退的怪物 A gatekeeper carelessly 一個看門人大意地 Dropping the keys on my nights off 在我休假時的晚上弄掉了鑰匙 I've been tearing around in my fucking nightgown 我一直穿着我他媽的睡袍四處奔跑 24/7, Sylvia Plath 無時無刻,都像希薇亞.普拉斯那樣 Writing in blood on my walls 'cause the ink in my pen don't 以鮮血在我的牆上書寫 work in my notepad 因為我的筆在筆記本上寫不了 Don't ask if I'm happy, you know that I'm not 別問了,你知道我並不快樂 But at best I can say I'm not sad 但最多我可以說我並不悲傷 But hope is a dangerous thing 但心存希望對我這樣的女人而言 For a woman like me to have 危險萬分 Hope is a dangerous thing 心存希望對我這樣的女人而言 For a woman like me to have 危險萬分 Hope is a dangerous thing 心存希望對我這樣的女人而言 For a woman like me to have 危險萬分 But I have it 但我仍然滿懷希望 Yeah, I have it 對,仍然滿懷希望 Yeah, I have it 對,仍然滿懷希望 I have 滿懷希望

