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13 Beaches-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「13 Beaches」(十三個海灘)

I don't belong in the world, that's what it is 事實就是,我不適合這個世界 Something separates me from other people 有甚麼把我和其他人分開 Everywhere I turn, there's something 無論是哪裏,都會有甚麼 Blocking my escape 妨礙我逃走 It took thirteen beaches to find one empty 去了十三個海灘,我才找到一個空無一人 But finally, it's mine 但終於,是我的了 With drippin' peaches, I'm camera-ready 手執淌汁的蜜桃,我大部分時候 Almost all the time 都準備好被拍下 But I still get lonely and, baby, only then 但我仍然感到寂寞,寶貝,只有這樣 Do I let myself recline 我才會讓自己放鬆 Can I let go, and let your memory dance 我能否放下,然後讓你的記憶 In the ballroom of my mind? 越過國界 Across the county line 在我腦海中的舞廳起舞? It hurts to love you, but I still love you 愛你使我痛不欲生,但我仍然那麼愛你 It's just the way I feel 我是那麼想的 And I'd be lyin' if I kept hidin' 要是我一直隱瞞其實我受不了 The fact that I can't deal 其實我一直渴望着真實 And that I've been dyin' for somethin' real 我一直渴望着真實 That I've been dyin' for somethin' real 我便會說起謊來 It took thirteen beaches to find one empty 去了十三個海灘,我才找到一個空無一人 But finally, it's mine 但終於,是我的了 Past Ventura and lenses plenty 在陽光明媚的日子 In the white sunshine 途經范朵拉,那裏佈滿照相機 But you still can find me, if you ask nicely 但要是你友善地詢問的話,你仍然可以找到我 Underneath the pines 在松樹下 With the daisies, feelin' hazy 身旁有些雛菊,感到有點矇矓 In the ballroom of my mind 在我腦海中的舞廳 Across the county line 越過國界 It hurts to love you, but I still love you 愛你使我痛不欲生,但我仍然那麼愛你 It's just the way I feel 我是那麼想的 And I'd be lyin' if I kept hidin' 要是我一直隱瞞其實我受不了 The fact that I can't deal 其實我一直渴望着真實 And that I've been dyin' for somethin' real 我一直渴望着真實 That I've been dyin' for somethin' real 我便會說起謊來 It hurts to love you, but I still love you 愛你使我痛不欲生,但我仍然那麼愛你 It's just the way I feel 我是那麼想的 And I'd be lyin' if I kept hidin' 要是我一直隱瞞其實我受不了 The fact that I can't deal 其實我受不了 The fact that I can't deal 我便會說起謊來

