
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

満天モンキーウェイ-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Monkeys on Adventure’(満天モンキーウェイ)(Monkey on Adventure)

解き放たれた岩の山 I'm set free from the huge rock 暴れ回れや神の国 Ramp around the heaven 筋斗雲に乗って Riding on my flying nimbus 如意棒でシバいて Striking with my as-you-wish cudgel 天下無双のお調子者☆ I'm peerless and frivolous☆ 奔放baby monkey dance!(yeah yeah) Free baby monkey dance!(yeah yeah) 頭には光る金の輪 Wearing a shining golden band on my head 奔放baby monkey dance!(yeah yeah) Free baby monkey dance!(yeah yeah) 抗えぬ菩薩如来 Can't disobey the Buddha 八十一の難経の道 Eighty-one tribulations on our way 旅立ちは勇者のように 何もなくて良い Start your journey like a hero, begin with your bare hands 痛み喜び踏みしめれば 明日はきっと強くなる If we experience pain and joy, we’ll surely be stronger tomorrow 愚かだと思われたって 嘘無き魂は Even though the genuine souls are thought to be foolish 足跡が記すだろう 振り向かないで行け They're still going to leave their footprint, don’t look back, just go 満天モンキーウェイ! Monkeys on adventure! 怠けた豚は大喰いで The lazy pig is a big eater 真面目な河童は石頭 Whilst the earnest kappa is a stone お人好しですぐ拐われる The troublemaking monk トラブルメーカーの和尚様 Is a simple person and gets abducted easily 奔放baby monkey dance!(yeah yeah) Free baby monkey dance!(yeah yeah) 仲間割れ それじゃダメ×2 Quarrel is a no-no 奔放baby monkey dance!(yeah yeah) Free baby monkey dance!(yeah yeah) 立ち向かえ 火炎の国 Face the kingdom of flame 八十一の難経の道 Eighty-one tribulations on our way 不揃いのバケモノだって 馬鹿にされても Even if you say we're monsters of different shapes and look down on us 支え合う事で生きていく 旅路はずっと終わらない We’ll support each other and live, our journey will never end 悪者のいない世界で 正義になれるかな? Can we be the justice in the world with no villain? 傷痕よ消えないで 誇らしく進め Scars, don't fade, march on proudly 満天モンキーウェイ! Monkeys on adventure! 満天モンキーGO THE WEST… All the Monkeys GO TO THE WEST... 歩みは止めるな天竺まで We won't stop till we get to India 満天モンキーGO THE WEST… All the Monkeys GO TO THE WEST... 絆よ無敵の武器となれ Bonds, be our invincible weapon 旅立ちは勇者のように 何もなくて良い Start your journey like a hero, begin with your bare hands 痛み喜び踏みしめれば 明日はきっと強くなる If we experience pain and joy, we’ll surely be stronger tomorrow 愚かだと思われたって 嘘無き魂は Even though the genuine souls are thought to be foolish 足跡が記すだろう 振り向かないで行け They're still going to leave their footprint, don’t look back, just go 満天モンキーウェイ! Monkeys on adventure!

