
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

雛奉-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「雛奉」(Girl’s Festival)

白羽立つ部落の神狂ひ 諸行無常は万華鏡 The chosen village mads for god, nothing stays forever, everything changes てんてん手毬に蹴鞠を突き 結んで開ー。 Play with the ball, hold tight and releaseー* お嫁にいらした 姉様に The fair girl, looking like the bride,* よく似た其方の白き貌 撓垂れる Is as good as gold 世迷えや世迷え 夜に蛇の目 Exchange flesh after dark, reveal illness in the night* 嫁入り行列 間に真に 鬼眼の狂 In the wedding procession, there is madness in the evil eyes 歪な面の糸絲を曳く 誰が為に咲く晴れ姿 Get the contorted face wet, whom does the splendid gown bloom for* めんこい笑顔は 欺き剥ぎて The lovely smile reveals true colours* さ乱れ肌蹴た赤おべべ 宵雛乃舞 The red garment is disheveled and unlaced, a dance on the night before the Girl's Festival* わいらわんさと 犇めき腕 We flock in, hands throng 抉開け見えたる肉壺 咀嚼に啜る Chew and sip the meat pot we see after prying open* 春の弥生の この佳き日は… On this good day in March, a spring month...* 灯りを点けましょ 雪洞に Let us light up the paper lanterns* お花を上げましょ 桃の花 And decorate with peach flowers* 淡き未熟な乳房さへ 抓みも捻らせば悦を招き If even the young and unripe breasts are teased, joy will come 手篭めや手篭め 泣きじゃくれ Rape and rape, cry your eyes out 死人の参列 間に真に 奇異なる喪 The funeral attendants mourn strangely かぐわし薄桃の塩つかみ 誰が為めに哭く晴れ姿 Harass the fragrant pale pink , whom does the splendid gown cry for* めんこい笑顔は 欺き剥ぎて The lovely smile reveals the true colours さ乱れ肌蹴た赤おべべ 宵雛乃舞 The red garment is disheveled and unlaced, a dance on the night before the Girl's Festival わいらわんさと 犇めき腕 We flock in, hands throng 抉開け見えたる肉壺 咀嚼に啜る Chew and sip the meat pot we see after prying open 嗚咽に穿つ 喉奥深く 苔の生すは 飢餓の舌鼓 Pierce through her moans, down to her throat, hunger finally smacks its lips 左右を排せば胎内を這ふ 紫斑の蠎蛇がつんざく破瓜 It will crawl in her womb if left and right are pushed aside, the purple-spotted python breaks her hymen and takes her virginity 宵 好 善がれや 垂涎の畜 A wonderful night, it feels pleasant, beasts drool 引き付けひねり泡吹く白目 八百万蛆 Convulses and writhes and foams and rolls her eyes, countless worms 宵 好 善がれや 桃の花襞 A wonderful night, it feels pleasant, the folds of peach flowers 血腥き滑る八重咲き 曼珠沙華 A bloody, slippy double-flowered spider lily 泡煮え立った 影絵の晩に Bubbles were rising, on the brightly lit night 金切り裂帛はくれなゐ 縦一文字 The piercing shriek is scarlet, a vertical straight line 泡吹く贄奉った 弄る裂け目 Dedicated the dying sacrifice, toy the rift* 取り出すは麗爾生り 柔きの子壺 Take out the fruitfully gorgeous, soft womb 七歳の雛 齎す供犠 A doll aged seven, the sacrifice to God *Notes: *雛奉: Based on the Girl's Festival (雛祭). It is a festival originated from ‘雛奉り (ひなほうむり, literally doll offering)’, a human sacrifice practiced in the Northeast region of Japan. Young girls who are chosen to be offered to the mountain god are raped by men in the village. After that, she is cut open alive to take her womb. For more information, please see: https://bit.ly/3gJNznj 結んで開ー: Possibly a lyric from ‘むすんでひらいて (Close Your Hand, Open Your Hand)’, a Japanese children song that teaches children how to move their hands. お嫁にいらした 姉様に よく似た其方の白き貌: A lyrics from ‘うれしいひなまつり (Happy Girl's Festival)’, a Japanese children song about the Girl's Festival, with a twist from ‘よく似た官女の白い顔 (She was as fair as the court lady that looks like the bride)’ to ‘よく似た其方の白き貌’. Court lady is one of the dolls that are displayed during the festival. 世迷えや世迷え: Means the same as ‘夜這えや夜這え’. 夜這い, ‘night crawling’, is an ancient Japanese custom usually practiced by young unmarried men and women. It was once common all over Japan and was practiced in some rural areas until the beginning of the Meiji era and even into the 20th century. At night, young unmarried men would silently enter houses with young unmarried women. A man would silently crawl into a woman's room and make his intentions known. If the woman consented, they would sleep together. By the morning he would leave. The girl's family might know about it, but pretend they did not. It was common for young people to find a husband/wife like this. 糸絲を曳く: Literally ‘pull a string’, can be implying making the sacrifice wet. 晴れ姿: A lyric from Happy Girl's Festival. It originally means girls putting on furisode and dressing up for the festival. おべべ: The word can be a baby talk word meaning kimono, or a slang for vagina. 肉壺: A slang for female sexual organ. 春の弥生の この佳き日は…: A lyric from Happy Girl's Festival. 灯りを点けましょ 雪洞に: A lyric from Happy Girl's Festival. お花を上げましょ 桃の花: A lyric from Happy Girl's Festival. 塩つかみ: A slang for male masturbation. *泡吹く贄奉った:Pronounced the same as 泡煮え立った (あぶくにえたった), which 泡吹く means bubble at the mouth.

