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How to Disappear-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「How to Disappear」(消失的方法)

John met me down on the boulevard 約翰與我相約在林蔭大道 Cry on his shoulder 'cause life is hard 我向他哭訴生活艱難 The waves came in over my head 海浪湧進我的腦海中 What you been up to my baby? 寶貝,你最近在忙些什麼? Haven't seen you 'round here lately 最近都不太在這邊看見你 All of the guys tell me lies, but you don't 所有男人都會對我撒謊,除了你 You just crack another beer 你只會打開另一罐啤酒 And pretend that you're still here 假裝你在聽着 This is how to disappear 這就是消失的方法 This is how to disappear 這就是消失的方法 Joe met me down at the training yard 袓與我相約在運動場 Cuts on his face 'cause he fought too hard 他臉上佈滿傷痕,因為他打了場大架 I know he's in over his head 我知道他正在被難題困擾 But I love that man like nobody can 但他是我最愛的人 He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again 他能幹一番大事,但之後又會將之摧毀 I watched the guys getting high as they fight for the 我看着男生為了忘記心中所恐懼 Things that they hold dear 而為珍重之物而戰時 To forget the things they fear 感到熱血沸騰 This is how to disappear 這就是消失的方法 This is how to disappear 這就是消失的方法 Now it's been years since I left New York 我已經離開了紐約很久 I've got a kid and two cats in the yard 我的小孩和兩隻貓在後院裏 The California sun and the movie stars 加州陽光和電影明星 I watch the skies getting light as I write 當我寫着歌詞時 As I think about those years 當我回想那些年時 As I whisper in your ear 當我在你耳畔喃喃低語時,我正在看着黎明降臨 I'm always going to be right here 我會一直在這裏 No one's going anywhere 不會離開

