
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

私ハ傀儡、猿轡ノ人形-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「私ハ傀儡、猿轡ノ人形」(I Am a Puppet, a Gagged Doll)

瘡蓋を剥ぎ取る 丁寧に 破れない様に Peel the scab off carefully, not to break it 指でなぞる Fingers caress 「私」を確かめるかの如く Like ascertaining that is ‘me’ 捩り詰め込んだ美徳の刃が脈を切り刻む The blade of virtues is twisted and thrusted, hashing hope 剥がれて行く 崩れて行く Coming off, falling apart 曖昧な歪が残った Vague distortion remains 其方から此方を抜け彼方が見透かせるかの様 Like passing through here from there and see through somewhere far away 爪と肉の間に食い込んだ滓 The dregs, sinked between nail and flesh, それはかつて焦がれ焦がれた綺麗な嘘れ言 Is the beautiful lie I once longed for 掻き毟り取り溢れた蜜の味 Scratched and teared, and the taste of honey overflowed それは今も… It is still… 流れて行く 壊れて行く Flowing away, breaking down 慥かな異物が残った Clear rarity remains 吐き気さえ飲み干して 喉を這い出ずる手を噛む I even drink up my sickness and chew the hand crawling out of my throat 「私ハ傀儡、猿轡ノ人形」 ‘I am a puppet, a gagged doll’ 津液に溺れ錆びた声が私を食い破る The voice drowned in saliva and rusted bites me 乞えば溢れて また一つ増える「穴」 It will overflow if I beg, and a new ‘hole’ will form 映せば在れど無く 黒い枷に塗れた物言わぬ傀儡一つ Though a silent puppet completely bound with black chains will exist if it is reflected, it will also not 触れてみれば…ざらり…ざらり… If you touch it... It feels rough... Tremendously rough...

