
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

僕ラ#-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


苛立ちを詩にして口ずさむ I write and hum songs about irritations ほら誰彼憂いているんだって I was told that everyone is stressed 誤魔化して煙に巻く Making things up and putting up a smoke screen 明日に何かを期待して I expect something to happen tomorrow 答え探し求めてまた彷徨う And I feel lost again as I look for the answer 声を枯らして唄えばこの想いは I once believed that if I sang myself hoarse いつか届くと信じていた My thoughts would be understood someday なんて綺麗な幻想だろう The world is full of sarcasm 皮肉で溢れたこの世界 What a beautiful fantasy 悲しみを詩にして口ずさむ I write and hum songs about irritations ほら誰彼憂いているんだって I was told that everyone is stressed さっさと疎ましいこの人生に終止符を打てば? What about putting and end to this unpleasant life now? なぜ理由もなく 誰が為なんて柄じゃないだろ Why sacrificing for others just for the sake of sacrifice isn't a character なぜ理由もない 下手な言い訳をまた探して Why am I looking for the bad lie that is told for no reason again もう諦めたら Maybe it's time to give up もう苦しいでしょ I know it hurts もう全て捨てて終わりにすればいい? May I give up and end everything? 声を枯らして叫んだこの想いは I believe that the thoughts I shouted with all my strength いつか届くと信じている Will be understood some day なんて儚い幻想だろう What a vain fantasy 皮肉で溢れたこの世界で But we# will still play our songs それでもいつか答えを知る日まで In this sarcastic world きっと僕ラ#は奏でるのさ Till we have an answer

