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黒闇ニ惑ウ絵空事-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「黒闇ニ惑ウ絵空事」(Illusion That Deceives Me in the Dark)

人に後ろ指をさされぬよう 絶えず大衆に向かってさあ右倣え I have been pandering to people so as not to be judged 何かに抗う事そもそもが滑稽で Resisting is rediculous anyway 嘘を嘘で塗り固めた「正しさ」という名の倫理的感情 Moral emotions named ‘Correctness’ are merely lies 作られた自分をただ繰り返し演じている I am just pretending to be myself 自ずとまた目を背けた だって僕がいても何も変わらないから I looked away again naturally, for nothing will change even if I am here 僕が生きている事そもそもが滑稽で Being alive is rediculous anyway 無為に命を繋ぐなら 僕が僕である必要がないのなら If I have to do nothing to stay alive, if it is unnecessary to be my true self いっそのこと… I would rather… 消えればいい I want to disappear 消えればいい I want to disappear 消えればいい I want to disappear 黒闇に惑う絵空事 The illusion that deceives me in the dark これでおしまい。 Will come to an end. 吐き出す嘘が喉を刺す だけど生に縋り付く事を繰り返し The lies I tell are hurting my throat, but I keep on trying to stay alive 現今もどこかで死なない理由を探してる And am still looking for the reason not to die somewhere 世迷い 妄想 悲願 悄然 自惚れた理想 道連れの思考 Losing my way, wishful thinkings, fervent wishes, downhearted, lofty dreams, thoughts about perishing together 縛られた腕は刻々と透けて My hands are bound, they keep fading away moment by moment 季節が織り成す花々が四季折々に散る Flowers, brought by the seasons, wither all year round 誰もが誰にもならずに誰にもなれずに I understand the meaning of loneliness and despair with the witheringflowers 散りゆく花々と共に孤独と絶望を知る Without being anyone, without being able to be anyone 消えればいい I want to disappear 消えればいい I want to disappear 消えればいい I want to disappear 黒闇に惑う絵空事 The illusion that deceives me in the dark これでおしまい。 Will come to an end. ああ 数えきれぬ忘却の果て Ah, I have escaped countless times ああ 数えきれぬ程に逃げてた Ah, from the end of countless forgetfulness 軽々しく命を見ていた僕にはきっと到底笑いながら死ぬ事はできないでしょう I, did not take life seriously, surely cannot keep my smile until the end of my time 薄命だ。 I am star-crossed. 薄命だ。 Star-crossed. 薄命だ。 Star-crossed. 薄命なのか…。 Am I really star-crossed... 惑う絵空事 The illusion that deceives me これでおしまい。 Will come to an end.

