
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

極悪浄土-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


甲乙つけぬが吉と出る世論にして 善悪頼みの押し問答 People will try to tell if they are right or wrong even though it is better not to compare public opinions 銭投げ身売りで命の対価得る業 曼荼羅華を焚べ曝し塵と帰依 Sell yourself for money and gain karma equals to your life, burn hindu daturas, expose them to the sun and let them turn to dust and soil 齟齬 無く 仰せのまま Certainly, as you wish 傀儡狂悖 下賤の跋扈 Unruly puppet, arrogance of the basest ones 傀儡狂悖 醜悪な奇声 Unruly puppet, hideous strange sounds 傀儡狂悖 首を捻じ切り捻り嗤う Unruly puppet, I kill them by twisting their necks off and laugh 傀儡狂悖 襤褸に剥ぎ Unruly puppet, tear clothes into rags 傀儡狂悖 凌辱は雨霰 Unruly puppet, a hail of insults 傀儡狂悖 抉り裂いた恍然の様 Unruly puppet, gouge and tear rapture 蛇腹這う没義道は下卑た悦楽 The snake crawling brutality is vulgar yet pleasant 極悪浄土 Hell 甲乙つければ凶と出る世論と Public opinions will be misfortunes if people try to compare them 腐差し涌く脳天から蛆 Rotten maggots breed on the scalp 六文泥舟 下る者など居ないが 極楽浄土は望むべからず Though no one is getting off the six pennies mud boat, they should not wish to go to the pure land 齟齬 無く 赴くまま Certainly, follow your instincts 傀儡狂悖 下賤の跋扈 Unruly puppet, arrogance of the basest ones 傀儡狂悖 醜悪な奇声 Unruly puppet, hideous strange sounds 傀儡狂悖 首を捻じ切り捻り嗤う Unruly puppet, I kill them by twisting their necks off and laugh 傀儡狂悖 襤褸に剥ぎ Unruly puppet, tear clothes into rags 傀儡狂悖 凌辱は雨霰 Unruly puppet, a hail of insults 傀儡狂悖 抉り裂いた恍然の様 Unruly puppet, gouge and tear rapture 蛇腹這う没義道は蟲の息の劣情さえ 痛み入る赤裸々に The snake crawling brutality even appreciates the slight lust frankly 千も承知 天も召さぬわ 頭を垂れ崇め奉れ Well aware, too sinful for heaven, bow down and worship 万も承知 奈落の底で 験担ぎに拝跪 Fully aware, kneel down superstitiously at the bottom of inferno 狂へ To madness 参拝参拝 蠢き Pray, pray, wriggle 参拝参拝 犇く卒塔婆 Pray, pray, crowded stupa 惨拝惨拝 汚穢を咀嚼する老婆 Pray, pitifully, old woman chews filth 読経合掌 糜爛れ愛染 Chant the sutra with your hands folded, rotten lust 読経合掌 肉襞を啜り Chant the sutra with your hands folded, lick the folds 読経合掌 目合ひ Chant the sutra with your hands folded, exchange flesh 喰らいあう Dovour each other 傀儡狂悖 下賤の跋扈 Unruly puppet, arrogance of the basest ones 傀儡狂悖 醜悪な奇声 Unruly puppet, hideous strange sounds 傀儡狂悖 首を捻じ切り捻り嗤う Unruly puppet, I kill them by twisting their necks off and laugh 傀儡狂悖 襤褸に剥ぎ Unruly puppet, tear my clothes into rags 傀儡狂悖 凌辱は雨霰 Unruly puppet, a hail of insults 傀儡狂悖 抉り裂いた恍然の様 Unruly puppet, gouge and tear rapture 蛇腹這う没義道は蟲の息の劣情さえ 痛み入る赤裸々に The snake crawling brutality even appreciates the slight lust frankly 唯一の悪徳を Dedicate to hell 極悪浄土 The only vice

