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with all of my heart-love solfege(日中歌詞翻譯)

「with all of my heart」(全心全意)

Slowly opening my eyes, there's a familiar view 我緩緩睜開眼睛,熟悉的景色映入眼簾 So sweet, such a sweet person is near me, 如此惹人憐愛人在我側近, Cuddling and sleeping softly 依偎着我沉眠 You've wandered here for a very long time, 你帶着純粹而勇敢的心 And all that you had just pure and brave heart 徘徊在此已久, I want to make sure I hear your beat 我想確認我聽得見你的心跳 Want to feel your breath close to me 我想感受到你的呼吸如此接近我 (In the pale and the deep woods) You're looking for me? (在茂林深處)你在尋覓我嗎? (In the white and the vast space) Yes, I'm waiting here (在潔白偌大的空間裏)對,我在這裏等待着 If two hearts are keep calling they'll meet someday 若兩顆心不斷互相呼喚,他們終會相遇 Let me tell you fairy tale, fairy tale 讓我為你講述童話 Listen to the blessing bells everyday 每天聽着祝福的鐘聲 There is only happy end, happy end 這裏只有美滿結局 Happiness is never end, never end 幸福永不終結 Let inside a luminous light 讓光照進來 Open the door to the happiest days 迎接最幸福的日子 Let me tell you fairy tale, fairy tale 讓我為你講述童話 Flower petals everywhere, everywhere 花瓣漫天飛舞 I am choosing happy end, happy end 我要走向美滿結局 Everlasting happy end, happy end 永遠的美滿結局 When I meet you i'll know it's you 當我遇到你的時候便知道那是你 Only one, I'm falling in love 我唯一會全心全意地 With all of my heart 愛着的人 You have been lost here, in mysterious place, 我最憐愛、有着純潔之心的人, My little and sweet one with pure heart 你曾迷失於此,這個神秘的地方 You were too kind and you were so nice 你是那樣的和藹、溫柔 So naive and angelic good 那麼純真,美好得如同天使 (In the warp and dark waters) I'm looking for you (在扭曲的黑暗海洋)我在尋找你 (In the endless mirrors) I am waiting here (在無限的鏡子中)我在這裏等待着 If two hands are keep reaching, they'll touch someday 若兩人一直伸出手,終有一天會相觸 Reflection in the water, sway wind, your face is appeared 水中的倒影被微風吹動,你的面容浮現 So I smile to you and you smile to me, like our souls just became one 我朝你微笑,你也對我報以微笑,就如我們的靈魂合而為一 Let me tell you fairy tale, fairy tale 讓我為你講述童話 Listen to the blessing bells everyday 每天聽着祝福的鐘聲 There is only happy end, happy end 這裏只有美滿結局 Happiness is never end, never end 幸福永不終結 Let inside a luminous light 讓亮光照進來 Open the door to the happiest days 迎接最幸福的日子 Let me tell you fairy tale, fairy tale 讓我為你講述童話 Flower petals everywhere, everywhere 花瓣漫天飛舞 I am choosing happy end, happy end 我要走向美滿結局 Everlasting happy end, happy end 永遠的美滿結局 When I met you I knew it's you, 我一遇到你的時候便知道那是你 One and only, I am in love 我愛着那個唯一的人 Let's begin our true fairy tale, it's starting just here and now! 在此時此處,讓我們展開我們真正的童話故事吧!

