
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Blue Jeans-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

《藍色牛仔褲》(Blue Jeans)

Blue jeans, white shirt 藍色牛仔褲,白色襯衫 Walked into the room, you know you made my eyes burn 你走進房間裏,你知道自己讓我移不開目光 It was like James Dean for sure 你就像占士・甸 You're so fresh to death and sick as c-cancer 你帥氣冷酷,使我着迷 You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop 你喜愛朋克搖滾,我聽着嘻哈長大 But you fit me better than my favorite sweater 但你比我最愛的毛衣更適合我 And I know that love is mean, and love hurts 我知道愛並不容易,愛使我受傷 But I still remember that day we met in December, oh, baby 但寶貝,我仍然記得我們在十二月相遇的那天 I will love you till the end of time 我會永遠愛你 I would wait a million years 我會永遠等待你 Promise you'll remember that you're mine 答應我你知道自己永遠屬於我 Baby, can you see through the tears? 寶貝,你看到我淚水背後的一片真心嗎? Love you more than those bitches before 告訴我你知道,告訴我你知道 Say you'll remember, say you'll remember 我比那些婊子更愛你 Baby, ooh 寶貝 I will love you till the end of time 我會永遠愛你 Big dreams, gangsters 野心勃勃,黑幫份子 Said you had to leave to start your life over 你說你要離開,重來一遍 I was like, no, please, stay here 我說,求求你,別走 We don't need no money, we could make it all work 我們不需要榮華富貴,現在的生活亦足矣 But he headed out on Sunday, said he'd come home Monday 但他在星期天出門,說會在星期一回來 I stayed up waiting, anticipating, and pacing 我整夜沒睡,焦急地等待着 But he was chasing paper 但他一直在追逐財富 Caught up in the game, that was the last I heard 自此無法脫身 I will love you till the end of time 我會永遠愛你 I would wait a million years 我會永遠等待你 Promise you'll remember that you're mine 答應我你知道自己永遠屬於我 Baby, can you see through the tears? 寶貝,你看到我淚水背後的一片真心嗎? Love you more than those bitches before 告訴我你知道,告訴我你知道 Say you'll remember, say you'll remember 我比那些婊子更愛你 Baby, ooh 寶貝 I will love you till the end of time 我會永遠愛你 You went out every night and baby, that's alright 你每晚都會出門,但寶貝那不要緊 I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side 我告訴過你無論怎樣我也會在你身邊 'Cause I'ma ride or die, whether you fail or fly 因為無論你成功與否,我對你的愛都也是無庸置疑 Well shit, at least you tried 至少你嘗試過 But when you walked out that door a piece of me died 但心的某處就在你踏出門口的一刻碎了 Told you I wanted more, it's not what I had in mind 我告訴你我想要更多,其實那並非我的意思 I just want it like before, we were dancing all night 我只想一切回到從前,我們整晚都在跳舞 Then they took you away, stole you out of my life 他們把你帶走,把你從我生命中奪去 You just need to remember 你只需要記住 I will love you till the end of time 我會永遠愛你 I would wait a million years 我會永遠等待你 Promise you'll remember that you're mine 答應我你知道自己永遠屬於我 Baby, can you see through the tears? 寶貝,你看到我淚水背後的一片真心嗎? Love you more than those bitches before 告訴我你知道,告訴我你知道 Say you'll remember, say you'll remember 我比那些婊子更愛你 Baby, ooh 寶貝 I will love you till the end of time 我會永遠愛你

