
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

TRAUM-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


仮初めの僕がいた I glanced at the mirror 鏡を覗く事で確かめてたんだ And saw the person I once was 人生の大半は妥協の連続 My life is mostly about compromising これからも多くは望み続けはしないよ So I won't expect much for the future だけどたった数年で 諦めのゴールを決めちゃうのは 間違ってる But giving up just after a few years is wrong 僕は知ってる I know 人は誰もが輝ける事 That everyone can shine 理想論じゃない I ain't chasing rainbows それが真実なんでって魅せてあげる I'll let you know this is real I'm never stop streak my dream I'll never stop going after my dream 叶えられない事もあるかもな There may be things that can't be realised でも叶えられる事も必ずある But there are also things that definitely can 昔から夢もなく You used to have no dreams 周りに合わせていた And pander to people around you 生き方を変えたくて You wanna change your way of life 目標に立ち向かうあなたは今勇ましく So you work towards your goal, you're now so brave 妬ましい And that's enviable 取り柄さえ見つからない自分が嫌になってしまうけど You begin to hate yourself 'cause you feel like you have no strengths at all 間違っていい But it's fine to be wrong 僕は知ってる I know 君が輝ける場所がある事 That there are places where you can shine 望み通りはない Things won't go our way 痛みの数だけ強くなれるはずだ The more pain we've been through, the stronger we'll be I'm never stop streak my dream I'll never stop going after my dream 小さい夢でも幸せになれるから 'Cause small dreams can also come true その一度見た夢 叶えに行こう Pursue the dreams you once had 理想論だって I don't care if someone says 鼻で嗤われてもいい That it's just a fantasy 叶えた先で笑えりゃいい As long as I can laugh in the future where my dreams are realised これから何十年 I guess I'll encounter even more もっと出会うだろう Wonderful dreams and meanings of happiness 素晴らしい夢と幸せの意味に In the coming decades 望み通りはない Things won't go our way 痛みの数だけ強くなれるはずだ The more pain we've been through, the stronger we'll be I'm never stop streak my dream I'll never stop going after my dream 小さい夢でも幸せになれるから 'Cause small dreams can also come true その夢 Pursue 叶えに行こう Your dreams

