
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

カンチGUY&GIRL-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「カンチGUY&GIRL」(Misunderstanding Guy & Girl)

オラオラお通りだ!オレを見てろよ Hey, hey, I'm passing along! Look at me ドヤドヤどうだい☆いい毛並みだぜ Smirk, what do you think☆ I've got nice fur あれ一照れてる?こっちを見て(ワンワーン) Oh? You look shy, look at me (Woof woof) 君の天使ここだぞ!ワオーーーン Your angel is right here! Hooowl このことわざ知ってるかい? Do you know this proverb? 犬も歩けば棒にあたる The dog that walks finds the bone 棒もオレを避けてるぜ But even the bone is avoiding me 遊ばれてる Playing with me それは勘違い全部勘違い It was a misunderstanding, I misunderstood everything 誰かの中心だと言う世界 In a world called the centre of someone 避けられても 笑われても Even if I'm being avoided, or I'm being laughed at 気付かないのでしょう I guess I won't notice anything 「かわいそう」 だな ‘What a pity’ 見てるこっちがイタイ It's cringey ここに参上、天下一のカンチ GUY&GIRL Here come the guy and girl who are great at misunderstanding ゴロゴロにゃーんだ!ワタシ綺麗よ Purr, purr, meow! Am I not pretty モコモコピンク♡この服いいな! Fluffy and pink♡ This dress is so cute! あれーどうして?こっちを見て(ニャンニャーン) Oh, why? Look at me (Meow) オシャレしたのよ!ニャンニャンニャン I dressed up! Meow, meow このことわざ知ってるかい? Do you know this proverb? 猫に小判、豚に真珠 Cast pearls before swine ワタシ価値が解るのよ I know your value 着せられてる You're stigmatised それは勘違い全部勘違い It was a misunderstanding, I misunderstood everything 誰かの中心だと言う世界 In a world called the centre of someone 避けられても 笑われても Even if I'm being avoided, or I'm being laughed at 気付かないのでしょう I guess I won't notice anything 「かわいそう」 でも 'Though ‘ it's such a pity’ 見てるこっちはオモロイ It looks funny ここに参上、天下一のカンチ GUY&GIRL Here come the guy and girl who are great at misunderstanding それは勘違い全部勘違い It was a misunderstanding, I misunderstood everything 誰かの中心だと言う世界 In a world called the centre of someone 避けられても 笑われても Even if I'm being avoided, or I'm being laughed at 気付かないのでしょう I guess I won't notice anything 「かわいそう」 だな ‘What a pity’ 見てるこっちがイタイ It's cringey ここに参上、天下一のカンチ GUY&GIRL Here come the guy and girl who are great at misunderstanding

